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Chemistry in college/uni


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I really depends on what you plan on doing. Some schools like to require a variety of courses for their undergrads so they have a wider perspective. My ugrad degree was engineering with most of my studies in physics and mathematical areas, but I still took 2 semesters of Chem. I only used the chemistry in one other class but the unit conversions are the main benefit for me, I use them ALL the time. Chem also teaches logic and linear thinking, most sciences and mathematics need that basis for success. Even if you don't go on to a hard science the mental training is healthy.

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Ooooh god yes, not going to try and lay it on too thick, but yes there will be MANY MANY MANY more formulas. Chemistry is so much more in-depth in college, and in some universities to a point where it is a very very hard class, you get 3X the amount of formulas and things to memorize, and all in a lesser amount of time before the tests. Not going to try and scare you(though this probably is, I dont know tho, I took Chem. classes at supposedly one of the hardest universities for chem.), but it will be a very tough challenge in college, chemistry is definitely a "weeder" type class, only the ones who work hard will make it through with a good grade.

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Chemistry is pretty tough, I know a few people whom majored in Chemistry, before going on to other degrees, and it does require a lot of formulas and labs.


Some universities/colleges though are more concerned with you knowing which formula to use and how, so some classes also allow you to bring in copies of formulas for certain tests and show your knowledge of them.


But it is pretty much the case all around that university/college classes will always be harder and more in depth then high school courses..not just for chemistry but for all classes in arts and sciences.

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