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Age gap too much?


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Hey everyone.


I met an amazing girl recently, and i really feel strongly for her, theres only one problem, ive just turned 17 and shes just turned 15, and although thats only two years, i really wouldnt know how id feel about going out with her, and thats the way we seem to be going.


I dont think id be prepared to do too much with her if we did start going out because it wouldnt be right, and i think shed eventyually regret it aswell.


I guess what im asking, is that at the ages we currently are, is two years too much of a difference?




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You're young and she's too young. If you do date keep it light, don't do anything that may cause her to feel pressured. At this point in your life 2 years is a lot, it makes the difference of a maturity you can't really see until its too late. Be careful.

Sorry but I disagree with you there. Yes there is the issue of her being under age and the physical side being limited but not all 17 year old boys are experienced studs. I certainly wasn't. In each case, we need to consider the individuals and there could be a big gap in maturity but then there may not.


As the dad of a 15 year old girl, a boy being 2 years older wouldn't worry me, whereas a boy the same ago who had a track record of making girls pregnant and beating them up certainly would!

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Sorry but I disagree with you there. Yes there is the issue of her being under age and the physical side being limited but not all 17 year old boys are experienced studs. I certainly wasn't. In each case, we need to consider the individuals and there could be a big gap in maturity but then there may not.


As the dad of a 15 year old girl, a boy being 2 years older wouldn't worry me, whereas a boy the same ago who had a track record of making girls pregnant and beating them up certainly would!


Agreed! I'm father of a little girl two, and what matters is what their intellectual characters are like.

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Two years is nothing. Some 17 year old boys are immature, some are not. Some 15 year old girls are immature, and some are not. You know you and you know her,so make you decision based on that. Be yourself, and be respectful to the parents. You will be 18 and she 16 and if they don't like you too much then they make you vanish until she is 18.

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