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it is normal and commen??

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This is going to be a really weird question, but is it normal and commen for females to have hair around their nipples? If a female was to have this problem, wouldnt this be a major turn off for the guy? i can imagine most guys would be grossed out and horrified if they saw their partner with hair around their nipples.


just curious, i dont know who to ask...lol its an embarrassing question and i'de rather ask over the computer rather then face to face to avoid embarrassment

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"Hairy nipples

Coarse, dark hairs around the nipple are quite common. You can pull them out with tweezers, but this can cause irritation because the skin round the nipple is very sensitive. It is probably better simply to cut them off close to the skin. This is easier if you hold the end of the hair with tweezers to keep it taut. The hairs will grow again, so you will have to cut them off again from time to time.


Hairs round the nipple are nothing to worry about unless you have excess hairiness on other parts of the body and your periods are irregular. If this is the case, you may have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and you should see your doctor. You will find more information about PCOS in the section on hairiness in women."


From: link removed


From what I hear, it's a pretty common thing to have hair on the areolas for women.


As for would it be a turn off for the guy? Depends on the guy. If a guy cares for you, he might say yuck, but see past it. Or he might see no problems with it at all. Or heck, he just might love it.

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Yes it is common for women to have a 'few' and if it's you with this problem, whatever you do, DON'T shave them.Pluck them or have them waxed instead

However, if it is so bad that they are like a man's chest and have excessive hair elsewhere on your body, it could be a hormone imbalance and you should go see a doctor.

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However, if it is so bad that they are like a man's chest and have excessive hair elsewhere on your body, it could be a hormone imbalance and you should go see a doctor.

No, no where near a mans chest hair, their sooo tiiny and light brown in colour and theres only like a few of them there. its just that my bf spotted them a few weeks ago and he seemed really surprised and turned off was the words he used ..he told me to pluck them but you can barely even see them. i was just curious if it was commen or not, he told me he's never been with a girl who had hair around her nipples and that girls should not have hair there at all and its pretty uncommen

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I don't have this issue, but I do have some girlfriends whom do have hair around their nipples. It tends to be more common among certain populations (ie woman with certain ethnic backgrounds and/or darker skin) to develop darker/coarser hair in certain areas like around the nipples (I am a very pale redhead myself and don't have much body hair in the first place!).


It can also be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or like was pointed out above, a sign of PCOS (which can also bring irregular periods, extra pounds, severe acne, infertility, etc). If you are concerned about it, or have excessive body hair, you can discuss this with your doctor, and they may choose to run some tests.


It is apparently fairly common, so I would not worry too much about it hon. If it really bothers you, you can wax, pluck or even get electrolysis to remove and even prevent hair growth in the area. Your boyfriend on the other hand was really callous and a jerk, and forgot that even models are not perfect.....it's just fixed with tweezers, makeup artists and airbrushing!

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my bf spotted them a few weeks ago and he seemed really surprised and turned off was the words he used ..he told me to pluck them but you can barely even see them.


Don't ever let another person police your body. If you don't want to remove them, don't. It sounds like your BF has some major maturing to do....


I too, have heard of this before and as the others have said, it's not "abnormal".




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Keep in mind how humans evolved, it's part of our ancestry to have body hair in various places.


From the way you describe it, it really doesn't sound like you're at all unusual. It's really up to you whether you feel you need to do something about it or not.


It's funny to me, it's a bit like people in glass houses throwing stones ... Just hand him the tweezers and tell him you've noticed he has nose hairs! If he doesn't yet, he will one day. And various other places he may not particularly welcome it!

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Don't I know it, and aren't I glad a cordless shaver/trimmer will get at pretty much all of it! I can't imagine using a blade razor. And the tweezers only get used when strictly necessary!

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Its really not that uncommon. The medical term for it is hirsute, you can get a lot of quick info with google. I know I've checked myself, I get a few strays that I usually pluck or bleach for aesthetic reason. Most women are covered with fine down all over their bodies, sometimes the hair color changes as you get older. Its normal and you shouldn't be uncomfortable with it. There are women who can grow a full beard and are proud of it. Some people even have the extreme of full body coverage, they appear similar to the classic black and white Wolfman, they can't help it, it's part of their genetics.


If your guy gets bent over a few little hairs, I'd really start to wonder what issues he's going to have later in your relationship. Its really immature to expect a mammal not to have body hair, that happens to be a major part of the definition as our classification as a mammal.

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