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I try so hard to find my words

I just want to get it right

And all I mean to say is

I love the rain at night

The way the lightning lights the sky

The way the thunder booms

The way my tin roof amplifies the noise

And the thunder shakes the rooms


I lay in bed late at night

When everything is dark and quiet

I love the way it feels so much

And if you haven't, try it


I love to go outside at night

Just to walk out in the rain

It feels cool and clean on my skin

The way a shower could only feign


It might seem strange to most people

But it's an obsession I'll never shake

Cuz' when I'm dancing beneath a glittering sky

Nothing there is fake


It's just me and the rain

And the wind, and the sky

The thunder, the lightning

And I feel so alive


It's chaotic, it's poetic

It's the epitome of life

It's comforting, it's scary

Somehow it feels so right


It's the only time I truly know

Exactly who I am, and what is real

Cuz it's then that it hits me

All that matters is what I feel


And I feel as though I'm falling

Falling in love


Because rain is love--Devotion, emotion

Mistakes washed away


Rain is happiness

And sadness

And knowing you'll be okay


Rain is crying

And laughing

Both at once, together

Rain is living

And dying

Not just non-sunny weather


Rain is beauty, and messy

And not something everyone can understand

Or adore

Like the difficult parts of life

That make the beautiful parts

Mean so much more


So here I am again

Seeing myself in puddles that mirror my face

And it's only these moments in life

That I don't want to turn away

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I love that statement; it shows the humane side of a person. We all secretly desire that of which is wild and rugged, even if it is viewed as "uncivilized." What is a "civil" being without knowing what an "uncivil" being is?


What is day without night, good without evil, light without darkness? Opposites give each other meaning. One without the other doesn't make sense.

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