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I think I almost came out to my mom

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This evening my mom and I were sitting around watching television. To make a long story short there was this segment on 60 Minutes regarding "gay genes."


The segment said that scientists now believe that male homosexuals are that way from birth. I don't remember all of the particulars but one of the doctors said that boys who have multiple older brothers have a higher chance of being born gay.


My mom sat up and took notice, as did I. I have three older brothers. I was on the otherside of the room and I just froze up. It was the most awkward situation in the world. I left the room and went to the kitchen, but I just sorta hovered around because I wanted to see the rest of the interview.


She was kind of stunned and in aw of it all. Because the study debunked all of the myths of male homosexuals choosing or being made into the "lifestyle." After it was over she initiated a conversation about it. I don't remember how I got to it but I asked her, "What would you do if one of us did happen to be gay?"


She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, you would just be gay..." She paused momentarily and furthered, "No matter what a mother will always love and cherish her children."


I sorta got choked up because that is what I had been wanting and needing to hear basically my entire life. I always knew I was like this but I tried to change for her.


Then she said, "I remember when people would come to me talking about how you seemed so funny and different...But I didn't care what they thought. You were my baby."


I really didn't know what to say. I just said, "I don't care what people think of me anymore. I'm just happy being myself now..."


Then she said, "Well, I don't want you to get upset over an interview on television--"


"I'm not upset..." I said. "I'm secure with myself...I'm more worried about my grades than anything." I sort of laughed.


Anyway, I think I am going to tell her...I don't know when but I am. I love my mother and I feel bad that I would ever question her love for me.


Maybe she picked up on my lack of rebuttal ala, "No way! I like women!" Or maybe she knew I was a bit "funny" since I've been a little kid. I've always been pretty sensitive, artistic, and not exactly "macho." I think she already knows. I just have to have the guts to say it.

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Like everyone else has said, I do believe she already knows. When I was home last time and my mother asked me if I had a boyfriend (mine was a little more blunt then again by just saying no and no interest, but nonetheless...) she gave me a talk which reminded me of what you and your mother discussed but yours was more in more depth then mine.


After that I assumed she already knew, its just a matter of my saying the golden words, but like others and my mother made comment to - Mothers know all. - thats just usually how it works.


She is probably just waiting for you to say those couple of words. She already seems quite accepting with the "possibility" just through that conversation.

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Count me in on thinking that your mother already knows. Sounds like she does to me also! Even if she doesn't know, I guarantee you that she'll be accepting if you told her about you. Why would she make such a statement if she felt otherwise? But remember you don't have to feel pressured to tell her anytime soon if you don't want to. You can do it whenever you feel the time is right! Your mother sounds like a very good mother!!

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Hey! I was watching 60 minutes also!!! That was a very interesting episode.


I bet she already knows, if not consciously, then subconsciously. It sounds like she'll react well to the news. She loves you after all.


When you are ready, tell her, but I bet she already knows.


Yeah! good luck!!!



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Wow, something kinda similar happened to me today. I came out of my room and layed accross the couch while my dad was in the kitchen a few feet away making my dinner. What do you know..60 minutes comes on, and i'm watching the opening segment. Then the part where they're talking about something with a younger brother having a higher chance of being gay or w/e. I get nervous when stuff like that comes on television, i keep thinking my dad is gonna suspect something and start questioning, so i got up off the couch and went back into my room.

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lol the episode was really awkward...considering in my case it happened to be 100% true...lol. I tried to leave the room, but I kept thinking, "If I leave she will definitely suspect something..." So I just tried to play it cool.


Well, I think she knows BUT she's still sorta grasping at hope that I'm not. Today she asked me have I met any girls I liked again...I said no. And I think it might have been the final nail in the coffin because that interview segment was very incriminating(for lack of a better term)...Well, for me atleast...


And she also said that, "So, apparently it isn't a choice...I guess churches everywhere are going to have to revise their views."


I almost breathed a sigh of relief...We just really talked about it. I was glad that it happened. It feels like a burden is off...It not all the way.

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Having had the pleasure of reading through your various posts about coming out to your mother, I'm happy to read that you're mother is a lot more willing to discuss the issue than you thought at first -- and that it seems that a dialogue is going to be opening up between the two of you soon that will make you feel comfortable enough to finally be honest with her! No need to rush it though -- the fact that you're making these steps (and that you recognize them) is so great!


And yeah, I echo everyone else in this thread in that a) your mom will be more than accepting of you, it seems and b) she probably has more than an inkling about your sexuality.


But again, go at whatever pace you feel more comfortable with! Coming out isn't a race

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I agree that your Mother already knows, she's just waiting for you to get the courage to tell her. This time she's even said other people noticed you were different when you were little! I think she's a very understanding Mother for 'paving the way' to make it easier for you. She's done everything she can, now it's upto you. Please don't let this problem hang over you for years!


Good luck

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i had a gay friend, and she always acted gay and liked girls, like the way she would talk to them and stuff. She had known she was gay since she was a kid because she always had crushes on girls growing up and she always tried to change herself but she couldn't help it. When she finally told her mom all her mom said was yeah, i know. It kind of shocked her but parents can tell on that kind of stuff I guess.

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