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suplements when working out?

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Hi, just a litle background . . .


I've been lifting weights for about 8 months now . I was 190LBS now down to 155 lbs .


I lift 3 times per week . I do 8 - 12 reps (which usually leads me to muscle fatigue ) . I do 2 sets . First set contains about 10 exercises and the second set contains about 7 exercises . I change my routine every 1 1/2 - 2 months .




I've been using whey protein and I noticed I have gained some muscle mass , however, I think i've reached a pleteau ( since it's been over 3 months since I've seen any improvment in my muscle mass ) and need to try something different .

Right now I'm trying to increase my muscle mass . I'll deal with droping the little reminder of fat around my body later on . I did some research and picked up some creatin along with something called mussle juice .


Now I'm fine with the creatin but i'm not to sure about this muscle juice .


Here's what the muscle juice contains per each serving:

500 calories

27g protein

8g fat

80g carbs ( i think the carbs contains mostly sugar since this thing is so sweet, I would guess it contains about 40g of sugar just from the level of sugar I can taste in it ) .


NOTE: One serving should be taken in the morning and a second serving should be taken in the afternoon for a total of 2 servings per day (that's 80 g of sugar a day ) . This should be taken ever day, even on the days you don't lift weights .


I know a balanced diet is important and I don't rely on this as my FOOD . I also eat sensibley. I don't really care for junk food .


Now my question is how can any good come from all of this sugar contained per serving of the muscle juice ? ? ? Also it contains quite a good bit of fat . Like I said before, I know a balanced diet is important but this just seems like to much sugar and a little bit to much fat. I know sugar is used to increase your insulin levels and I know insulin is responsible for creatine absorption.


What do you all think ? Does this look like it makes sense ?


Thanks !

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I think it sounds like something being sold to make guys trying to build muscle spend their money. I don't like the idea of those shakes and mixes for weight loss/gain, muscle improvement, whatever. I think it's just a carb and fat over load, I think you be better off eating lean meats and fruit. Most of those "treatments" aren't even FDA approved for what they say they do. Stick with the healthy diet and throw in a multi-vitiamin, don't let them fool you out of your money or put crap in your body.

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I agree...

Although all the supplements and junk on the market have their promises of lots of protein or whatever, many of them still contain lots of sugars or fat. I would follow a steady diet of mostly natural foods, and maybe throw in some protein or creatine shakes to help out. I know quite a bit about lifting, so feel free to ask any questions.

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Stick with the whey protein. That muscle juice is basically just a weight gainer. If you wanna increase muscle mass, you need to alter your workout. Less reps, more sets, higher weight. Maybe more rest between workouts, depends on your schedule and how your body reacts.

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I'm going to give this a try for 3 weeks and see what happens . I've been doing some research and I was correct when I said the sugar produces insulin which is responsible for creatine absorption .


I think I might be successful with just the creatine + whey protein . I'll have to monitor the results with the muscle juice + creatine . I'll let u all know how it turns out .

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  • 1 month later...

here's an updated on the creatin/muscle juice i've been taking.



I've been using this for a total of 1 month and it really does work. I see a fairly large increase in mussle size. ( I would say it's almost twice as effective as the whey protein that I was using ) .


I take 5 grams creatin in the morning and 5 grams creatin later in the afternoon.


I do not feel any major negative side effects from using the creatin/muscle juice except for a slight increase in body fat ( I think the muscle juice causes this since it contains fat and sugar ) and some constipation during the first week or so . I also did some research and did not see any proven negaive side effects ( or any proven muscle gain ) when using creatin .


Of course , you will get the average person saying that it's dangrous , it's steroids ( after much research I've come to the conclusion that it's not steroids )

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Who said it was steroids? It's not even close lol.


haha . . . i know . Two of my female friends said " OMG that's steroids , be careful " , It was good for a laugh .


It's funny . . . the uneducated comments you get from people sometimes .

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