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Friends, there reaches a time ( when that is, is individual) when you have to dump Hope.


Hope can be our enemy, that is the hope that the person who no longer wants us, is suddenly going to see the light and come flooding back.


Hope can keep us from moving on


Hope can keep us static, while Our lives pass us by.


Hope can blind us to the reality that we are yesterdays hero.



I hate hope, but yet, we keep hoping


Lord have mercy on our blind souls


Love to you all



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Maybe its not hope itself that is causing you problems, but what you are hoping for. For example, is one hoping to get back with an ex, or hoping to get with someone who loves us as much as we love them? There is a big difference.

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when * * * * goes down

hopes the last thing you have left

hope is the only good thing that came out of all the bad stuff from the pandora's box




you DO need to know when to call it quits. like moto said, if youre hoping for something you CANT have, or hoping for the WRONG thing, thats just disappointing


this post is kind of dark, i hope everythings okay

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It has been four months and if truth be told the pain is the same.


Tears spill from me until I'm sure I should dehyrate-lol


My oldest son ( 7) Asked me if his brother(5) will walk one day and not be disabled ( he has cp), I had to walk out the room, normally I'd ride that one out, now tears just fall.


I thought we had a family, I just feel hollow.

I feel cheated, I feel angry still.


If it wasn't for the kids, I can see how some people walk off buildings.


I know it will get better ( we have all had our hearts broken before), but When????



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I think false hope is more what caused me pain. I had hope for a short time, but then when I deep down knew things would never work out I denied it and my hope became false. It just perpetuated the misery and extended my suffering by months. Had I just accepted my own realizations when I was faced with them, I would have been able to move on. I know that now, but it took time and lots of tears to get here.


My sick twist, I'm moving on and he's coming back, had it been 2 months ago I'd be falling all over him, now I know I really don't want him nor do I give 2nd chances.

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Hope must be taken with a weary eye. It came out of Pandora's Box, but what says it's good? Better yet, what says it's bad? Only time will tell, however, lost hope is sometimes new hope...Hope for something better, and eventually, it will come to you. When all else fails, hope will be there...


Ok, that was just me being a litle poetic, sorry about that. All I wanna say is, you need to know when something is wrong. And when it is, don't hope for it to get better, make it get better. One way or another, make it get better, even if it hurts in teh beginning...it'll always get better. I'm sorry to hear about all this Dan, I jsut want you to know I believe in you...probably doesn't mean much at all to you mate, but I do. Things always have to get worse, for them to get better, in time it'll get better. I'm sure everything will get better in time.


"Is time a wheel that spins, or the tracks it leaves behind?" - Robin Hobb

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isn't it crazy how the pain can tear you down. i haven't been the same since the first time my heart was broken. it seems that there was (i don't want to say wall, but kind of) something around my heart that kept the tears and emotional hiccups at bay.

i'm now on my second broken heart; but i don't know if the first heart break was as bad as i originally thought. i honestly think that i changed by becoming more approachable (emotionally) and receptive to love and caring.

i won't go so far as to say that i was glad for the heart break - but i changed in ways that made me a more human person.

do you know what i mean?

* the pain lasted at least 6 months - so get ready for more tears and the feeling that someone has taken something from your chest that you need.

* i have no idea what kind of dad you are, but maybe this ordeal is prepping your heart so that you can love your boys past their sadness too.

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Mags, I have four kids, ( 2 boys , 2 girls) and the one thing I have always been accused of is being a great dad, so I guess I'm ok there.


I stopped working abroad to be with my kids when the first was born ( nearly 14 years).


I have just received an email from my wife that I have to babysit this house for another week as she has extended her trip.


I understand why she would but can't help but feel she has met someone out there.


anyway it is weird because I look forward to her coming home, but am aware that when she does I move to crappy accommodation-lol


Funny how she wants the change, but I seem to be the one doing all the changing.


anyway I have taken some work abroad, so I am going to try and kick start my life



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