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She Was Only a Child......


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She was a social butterfly

The world used to bring her hope

She loved everything and everyone

Although hurt terribly she always looked on the bright side

But someone crushed her hope

Someone she thought to be a friend

Took advantage of her

Now she lies in the bathroom

On the cold floor

And lets the tears come out

She was only a child……….


She was new to this world

Had new ideas

Wonderful thoughts of love

Of happiness

Only to be crushed

She was only a child………..


She caught butterflies

And danced all day

Watched the sun set on the bay

She had learned to put everything aside

In hopes for a happy life

But all was destroyed

How could he do that?

She was only a child………..


She has gone through some cold years

Winter never seemed to end

All she wanted was a friend

She thought everything was alright

She used to feel safe at night

Until someone took away her light

She was only a child………..


He knew what he was doing

He never cared

He lead her to believe

That he was there

For her

As a friend

That she was happy at

But then he betrayed her

He took advantage of such a young girl

Now she cant cry anymore

She has no tears left to shed

She's scared for life

How could this have happened to her?

She was only a child………

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That was beautiful, Cellisia. It brought a tear to my eye.


I am sorry you have experienced this. I can't imagine how it must hurt and stay with you. I hope that you see it isn't your fault and that dispite what has happened, that child is still in you and all of those thoughts and feelings are still there as well. You are just stronger now for what you have been through. It was wrong and heinous. And I hope that you have told someone and something was or is being done about it. But please, don't shut down and lose the spark you once had. You are a beautiful person, and there will be many bright days ahead of you.

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hmm well i havent really told anyone really, i only told 2 of my best friends, it happened so long ago and i'm still slowly working on telling my mom which when i do i dont think it'll go down very well but yeah, life sucks but ur right it'll only make me stronger thats the only thing i can see as for a reason as to why it happened to me, such like how i'm emotionally abused and all the stuff i've had to deal with and some i still deal with but yeah life goes on

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thank you, i try to b strong bc i know how ppl can take advantage of you, somtimes i think i'm to strong and need to open up a bit more, bc now i'm sort of at that point where it's hard to trust anyone, i'm glad u liked it, i just write what i feel and it usually comes out good, thanx for ur comment

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Don't blame yourself for this. It was a long time away, and whoever that person was who did this to you when you were just a kid, that's the person who has to get punish. Like the other posts says, be a strong and brave girl, you are growing up now.

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