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I just wanted some input on two recent situations that happened with the guy I like...I won't get into entire conversations, just keep it brief


The other day I had to stop at the mall on my way home from work because my ride needed to pick up some stuff. I said I would wait in the car. We were parked in one of the end spaces in the rows of parking spots, and I saw the guy I like's car parked right near by. Well I saw him come out of the store and go to his car, but whenever I looked at him, he was just looking away from me...so I didn't get to wave, but I know he saw me (we kind of know each other from around town, just never formally introduced). Anyway, I saw him leave the mall and I thought that was that. Two minutes later he drives back into the mall and right past the car I was waiting in, he circled the row of cars and drove past me again...by this time my ride was back and putting stuff in the trunk and we were pulling out to leave and he was right behind us. We had one more stop to make on the way home, and instead of turning to go down the street where he lives, he turned and followed us to our next stop. We pulled onto the side of the road and I got out just as he was driving past, then he pulled a U-turn and drove past me again slowly and waved and then drove away. I don't know if that made any sense, but basically he drove back to the mall without stopping to go in anywhere, just circled twice and then followed us to the next place, pulled a U-turn, waved and drove away, without stopping to go in the place...


The next incident was two days later when I stopped by where he works. We were just chatting about the weather, all normal stuff. I said to him "hey, you got your hair cut!" and he said "ya" and I said "looks good!" and he said "I did it yesterday...no the day before...." and I said "oh ya, I saw you up there" (at the mall) and he said "you did? I didn't see you....oh wait....were you in a red car....?" and I said "ya...my ride's car" and then he asked me what my name was and I asked him and so on. We chatted a bit more and I asked what he was up to this weekend and he said "nothing....how about you....?" and I said "not much...just work on Sunday" and he asked if it was at the store and I said ya...and then a customer came so I kind of had to go. I felt like we could have kept talking though, if it wasn't for that customer!


Now I don't want to read too much into 2 situations, but does it sound like there's a chance he might be interested...or just having friendly conversation? I was outright flirting when I told him his hair looked good, I felt like he was trying to play it cool when he said he didn't see me, but then he did, and then right after that he asked my name...I don't know what to think...any input? Thanks

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and I saw the guy

who is the guy? why is he important?

no offense, but your post is a little hard to understand. it would be nice to know when you first met him. and maybe a little history as to why you like or dislike him.


I gathered from the post that this guy is someone you like, and may or may not want to date him, and you think he is avoiding you.

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It sounds to me like he's interested! It's cute that he played it cool about seeing you at the mall. I wonder if he was a little embarrassed afterwards, and was hoping you hadn't really noticed all the circling and following. LOL. Just keep being friendly and see where it goes. Too bad about that customer!


Good luck!

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Thanks...that's what I was hoping to hear...I think I will go for it! I went into work today and I thought if he came in today (since I told him I would be there on SUnday) that it would be a sign he was interested...and he did come in...one of the first customers! I asked him wasn't he supposed to be working, and he said he was but he got his brother to watch the store so he could come in a buy some stuff! Sounds like a good sign to me! So what...ask him if he wants to hang out sometime? We chatted for a little while, and I asked him how his weekend was and he said "boring" and I asked what he did last night and he said "nothing"...so if he doesn't do much on the weekends, and he's not interested, it could sound like just wanting to hang out casually right....? Thanks everyone.

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