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Last night one of my girl mates dragged me along to this dance party thing.. i reluctently agreed to going as i dont like dancing lol. Anyway.. when i have to dance in any form weather it be formal or just at a party to techno i feel really uncomfortable.. and usually end up having a really bad night with whoever im with liking me significantly less because i dont want to dance. Anyway.. me and the same girl are going to our school ball together.. and she will want me to dance at the afterball..


I dont enjoy dancing at all.. but i take alot of flack if i dont so yea.. this sounds weird i know but i basically need some tips on "how to dance" if there is a guideline, and basically any ediquite i should know... by the way this is for dancing to techno or whatever for the afterball..

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If you don't know the girl, I'd say keep the hands north of the waist. Don't try grinding with her unless she initiates it. Just have fun. Most "modern" dancing is just gyrating in place and trying not to hit anyone when your arms are flailing about. Slow dancing can be very personal, speak to her softly with lots of eye contact or just do the silent hugging slow dance where you just hold each other and move with the music.

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I wanted to ask what is techno anyway? As you see I am a bit older than most here. I have no clue what kind of music people are talking about when they say techno. So please give me an example .


I love dancing , but haven't been in so so long. Its alot of fun though. Just wish I had an occasion to go again.

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I find that I dance the best when I don't care about who's watching. Practice in front of the mirror to see what looks right and what looks just...awkward. Find a way to enjoy yourself. Find your zone. Close your eyes. Dance to enjoy life. It's the only way to learn. Any other way, and you'll forever be stiff.


Our physical comfort has a lot to do with our emotional comfort and can be a big reflection on that. When you're comfortable with yourself, you'll look good doing anything. What you enjoy, you will excell in. So as I said, find a way to enjoy dancing. You will see why people do and wonder why you never have.


For in dance, there are no real rules. There are just bodies flowing in rhythm, feeling out each other. Feeling out life. It's an EXPRESSION of that and that the most.

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I have just got back in from a night out with new girlfriend, and am in a simalar position, dont like dancing beacuse I dont know how to do it... Ended up having a great night with her and everything, but im sat here now beating myself up beacuse I didnt have a dance with her, and she loves dancing, she actually ended up dancing with a good friend, just for a giggle.


I told her this coming back home, so she has said she will teach me, just me and her in my room, should hopefully do the trick. She thought it was actually quite sweet

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