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Get a girlfriend now!!


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No, dude, there's NOTHING wrong with you. I'm just like you, and although this is stereotypically guy behavior, I've dated some girls that did the same crap to me. People are just immature, and you are mature for your age. Good for you! You are ahead of the game, and you just need to find somebody on your level. Deep down, people really don't want that shallow nonsense, but they haven't realized it yet.


Just go on being you bro, and when the right girl comes around, you'll know it and she'll be one lucky girl. Trust.

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Women are each unique and interesting people.


Even though I fear them, I find them wonderful.


awwww. lol, it's like that whole "can't live with them, can't live without them" mentality. I agree, sometimes we all come on here thinking "WHY are girls/guys like this?!!" and generalize. It just feels like they are 'all' a certain way sometimes. However, having discovered this forum, I've come to realize that 'all' guys have the same thoughts 'all' of us women do, and vice versa. There are the good and bad of both genders....though I wish there were only good! But I guess you need the bad to see what the good are

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