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Nudity and my family


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My state doesn't allow you to go outside nude I'm sure. I only go out in the middle of night in my yard right now. Once I put the trash out in the early morning, but it was still dark enough, and not like I took my time. I don't know if the neighbors saw me or not, but it's true. I have been out on my room nude too, right outside my window at night.

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Yes, but why would guests mind, really. I mean they might expect a person to be nude in their own home, and if it was that important, I would stay in my room.


Also, why should I compromise my freedom just because someone might see me throgh the windows. They don't know it, but I have taken out the garbage (my job) to the curb, naked before in the middle of the night and once in early morning almost light outside. The neighbors probably already saw me.


Yeah, you are basically losing credibility here. This sounds more and more like the episode of Family Guy where Meg dates the nudist.


If you don't have much respect for your safety, then I am not going to intervene. Prance around naked all you wish. Just realize that not all people are going to respect your boundaries and safety, and realize it is disrespectful to others.


I'd be pretty offended if I went over to someone's house and their daughter was prancing around nude (unless she was like two and liked to take off her diapers..).

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so the word INCEST comes to mind. Your brothers come in your room all the time, that is messed up.


Oh my GOSH! We play video games, cards, board games whatever. No one is having sex!!!

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I'm 19. I guess they pay enough attntion to me whether I'm naked or not. I just really, really enjoy it. I don't do it to bother them. I wish they would just like it.


I can't help feeling sensual and turned when I'm naked. It doesn't matter that they are my family, it still turns me on to be naked around them, ALOT!

It may not matter to you, but it MATTERS TO THEM! So have some respect for them. It is SELFISH, to get your jollies, at the expense of your family. This isn't about how great your body is or how proud you are of it, or how comfortable you are, in it. This is about RESPECT and SELFISHNESS. You want to be an exibitionist, fine, do it on your own time. A HOME should be a place of peace, for your ENTIRE FAMILY. It is NOT your own personal stage and they ARE NOT your audience.
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You guys may not be having sex, but your brothers get to see the full tenderness of your body. Which I'm sure your brother's have probably gotten "ideas", but know it is wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep in the raw too, but I don't show my family the ol tallywhacker. Thats messed up, if my brothers either one of em, ever just sat down while I was watching tv with their balls hanging out, I would have to beat their * * *.

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You guys may not be having sex, but your brothers get to see the full tenderness of your body. Which I'm sure your brother's have probably gotten "ideas", but know it is wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love to sleep in the raw too, but I don't show my family the ol tallywhacker. Thats messed up, if my brothers either one of em, ever just sat down while I was watching tv with their balls hanging out, I would have to beat their * * *.


That's you, and you're entitled not to like it, but what about your brother's right to wear, or not wear what he wants? I would love it so much if my brothers were naked.

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How about respect for me?


I am going to pull out the old...you live under THEIR roof so obey THEIR rules.


Respect is earned, and I don't see why it's so hard to just be nude in your room or without others around and dress up when they are...and join a nudist colony for those times you MUST be around others...."compromise".


It's your family...it really bothers me you would LIKE to see your brothers/father naked...it indicates perhaps some therapy is in order.

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I bet you would. My brother has the right to wear what he wants and doesn't want to, but I have the right not to have to see him naked if it makes me uncomfortable. So in that case, don't your parents have the right to not have to see you walk around the house naked?

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I'm more disturbed by the fact that she likes being naked around her brothers than her parents. I bet her parents feel the same way.

Well.. you don't say how old your brothers are.. if they are just little kids it probably doesn't matter, but if they are pre-teens or teenagers too.. Whoa.. you are sending a very mixed message to your OWN brothers.

The fac† you like to be naked is one thing but the fact you are Turned on ALOT, in your own words, i find strange.

Is this post for real?

If it is.. i agree.. you with the other posters, you need to move out of your parents house as soon as possible.

Save your sexual feelings for people outside your family. Otherwise you are having incestuous feelings for whom..... your own brothers? or your dad?

That's just too weird.. you need help.

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I just have one question.. don't you get cold?? My advice for your family would be to just turn the air conditioning up really high.. they might be cold, but at least it could get you to put on clothes.


And as everyone else has said, if they don't like it, don't toture them. It's rude. Your parents make the rules of the house and you need to obey them and have respect for them. Not letting you walk around naked is not them disrespecting you when it's their house and their rules.


If you are so desperate to not wear clothes, then get your own place where you make your own rules. Hey, you can even make a rule that no one can come over unless they walk around naked with you. Afterall, you do like that.

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I agree with SexieSadie, the sibling part is very distrubing.


if they are just little kids it probably doesn't matter, but if they are pre-teens or teenagers too.. Whoa


Even then it's still bad. You know how kids talk. What if they go to school and tell their friends that their 19 year-old sister spends time naked with them all the time? In many cases schools must act on that info and refer the family to social services.


That's if this whole thing is even true.....




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Don't look? Are you kidding me? It's kinda hard not to look. Obviously your set on being naked around your family and your home, but if you came here looking for support, I believe your not gonna find any as that is way out there and generally morally wrong in most people's eyes. You have incest tendencies, that you need to deal with. No offense, but if your father or one of your brothers has ideas and decides to act on them, don't be so surprised. I agree with maggie, you wanna stroll around nude, get your own place, until then keep it in your room, to yourself.

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Hey, you can even make a rule that no one can come over unless they walk around naked with you. Afterall, you do like that.



LOL, now I like the sound of that. I also really do like the idea of my own place, but I can't afford it right now. My brothers are age 18 and 21, old enough to know better, though.

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Well until you can afford to move out, respect the people who own the home you live in.


You have your own rights, but what you are doing is just rude. At least your parents respect and care about you enough to not kick you out of the house..

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