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Nudity and my family


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I like to lay around my bedroom nude a lot, but my family is always telling me it's messed up. They say they wouldn't mind as much if I shut the door, so I do now. Then they said I should put something on if they knock for any reason to see me. Well I usually don't feel like stopping what I'm doing, getting my robe and getting up to answer the door. I just say come in. They get so mad when I say come in and I am naked. I am a tall, slender girl, and I think my body is very nice to look at. What is the problem here?


So I never put something on, and evyone who comes in will see me naked. I also go down to the kitchen and get a drink or snacks naked. Thay really get on me for that. What's the big deal. I like it, it's fun and sensual.


So now we argue a lot, which sucks!

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It's refreshing to hear that someone has a nice body and enjoys it. However, as you can plainly see, many people take offense to it or are uncomfortable for any number of reasons. So in that regards, you should try to respect the people around you who cannot see the wisdom in your ways, and cover up.


The solution, of course, is to move out and get your own place. It's wonderful being able to walk about and not worry about anyone tripping out.


Besides, they are probably just jealous. As my Dad would say, "Screw 'em if they can't lighten up!"

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Why is that gross, and how do you mean not respecting my body?


I look good, and I like being looked at. I have two brothers too, not just my mom and dad. My brothers are not the problem they visit in my room all the time when I'm nude anyway, and my dad wouldn't mind I think if my mother didn't kep telling him to say something.

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OKay, while in some cultures/families it is perfectly acceptable, it's really disrespectful to your parents and family when they have said it bothers them.


I am sure you are an attractive girl, but that does not mean everyone has to see it all the time. I like my body too but there is a time and place to prance around naked...and sure is not in front of my family. At home in my own place I can walk around naked all the time, but there is a whole respect for others thing that should come into play.


Perhaps if you feel the need to be naked in front of others join a nudist colony where clothes are definitely optional.


But have some respect for your family, and their feelings. It's not a big deal to keep the door closed and put a robe on when you leave the room or they knock.

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Just because you are comfortable with your body (which I think is a GOOD thing) it doesn't mean your family is comfortable with that situation.


Since you live in their home, you should wear clothing out of respect.



I like it, it's fun and sensual


Save fun and sensual for a sexual relationship....or in your own privacy. Those are not appropriate sentiments for being around your family.


I have a question for you? Other than when you're naked, do you feel like you get attention from your parents? Why would you want to parade around like that when you know it bothers them?


Also, how old are you?




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Why is that gross, and how do you mean not respecting my body?


I look good, and I like being looked at. I have two brothers too, not just my mom and dad. My brothers are not the problem they visit in my room all the time when I'm nude anyway, and my dad wouldn't mind I think if my mother didn't kep telling him to say something.


It is a bit weird you like being looked at by your FAMILY though......


It's great to feel sensual about your body, but save it for someone other then family.

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Your parents made you..... they changed your diapers, etc. However in today's society (assuming you're not in a nudist colony) there comes a time when parents and children should not be around one another nude anymore. Usually that seperation begins in adolescence.


Another thing your parents may worry about- if you have visitors- they may think you're being molested or abused, if you're hanging around nude like that, and seeing nothing wrong with it.


There's a time and place for everything. If you like to be nude- lock the door or wait until you get your own place.




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I'm 19. I guess they pay enough attntion to me whether I'm naked or not. I just really, really enjoy it. I don't do it to bother them. I wish they would just like it.


I can't help feeling sensual and turned when I'm naked. It doesn't matter that they are my family, it still turns me on to be naked around them, ALOT!

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I can't help feeling sensual and turned when I'm naked. It doesn't matter that they are my family, it still turns me on to be naked around them, ALOT!


You might be an exhibitionist.


It's ok to feel sensual- but don't do it around your family. I can't believe I'm suggsting this- but even a job as a stripper would be a more healthy way for you to release these urges- than being around your family nude is.




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This is really weird...and i find it wayy gross that you enjoy being naked in front of your family. I'm not drop-dead gorgeous or anything, but i wouldn't be ashamed to change clothes or something in front of people, including some family members, but i wouldn't go as far as being COMPLETELY naked. That's just weird. If you want lots of people to see you naked apply for playboy or go join a strip club...Most families find other family members naked bodies to be gross, no matter what you look like. Perhaps you should see a therapist...

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I have thought about becoming a stripper a lot of times. I'm sorry, but I can't see how it's weird to be naked around them. It should be better than wanting to be nude around starngers. I do want to be nude around strangers too (mailman seen me, LOL), but just for the sake of argument, it seems less starnge to be nude around family.

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I think its quite weird to be 'turned on' by your family seeing you naked. I dont understand why you would want to do that. Also, you seem to like the fact that the mailman saw you, so maybe you should take up stripping.


At the end of the day, your family have told you they dont like it - so why keep doing it?

Yeah you enjoy but out of respect do it in your room, if someone knocks your door, put something on first!! They dont like it.

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Yikes! I do not see how this is normal...wanting to be naked around your siblings? I do not know.


Have you thought about nude beaches or stripping (I cannot believe I am saying this). I do not see the difference from you wanting the mailman to see you naked then strangers seeing you naked a strip club.

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I honestly think this thread is a joke.


But I'll give my 2 cents...


You like being naked.


Your family doesn't.


You live under their roof.


Compromise or get your own place to romp around naked in.

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No i would not have been turned on if my mailman saw me naked - although i love my body and who i am, i would have been sorta embarrassed. I mean on a beach me in a bikini yeah, everyone can see parts of me they normally wouldnt, but no way i cant even imagine it. I wouldnt be turned on because i dont know him, i dont like him, and thats just not a turn on for me. It maybe just me but... no


Do you like the mailman?

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just sounds like a sort of show off post to get a reaction or some boys saying woooooo. But yeah personally i would never walk around my mum and dad naked, would you like walking into the room with your dad bare arsed?

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Not a joke post. I just was hoping people would agree with me that I'm right, and then I could show my parents, but I also want to understad why they would mind. Oh, and to answer you question, if my dad went around naked, that would be awesome!

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but I also want to understad why they would mind. Oh, and to answer you question, if my dad went around naked, that would be awesome!


How about if they have guests? Or perhaps the neighbors seeing you? What if they are concerned about your safety, walking around naked with open curtains or blinds all the time may attract more then just a simple peeping Tom, you know what im saying?

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Yes, but why would guests mind, really. I mean they might expect a person to be nude in their own home, and if it was that important, I would stay in my room.


Also, why should I compromise my freedom just because someone might see me throgh the windows. They don't know it, but I have taken out the garbage (my job) to the curb, naked before in the middle of the night and once in early morning almost light outside. The neighbors probably already saw me.

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