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What are the common phobias here ?

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clowns, elevators, blimps, and flocks of birds.


clowns because of a james bond movie, i think.


elevators b/c of the small space & fear of being stuck.


blimps b/c they're too quiet and don't move fast. they just hover in space...waiting. very creepy.


birds are the worst, though. i hate the chattering, shrieking noise they make when they cluster in trees at sunset. goosebumps just thinking about them.

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My mom's so afraid of heights a thick carpet freaks her out.

I remember my dad dangling me by one ankle over the edge of the Grand Canyon and my mom screaming her head off.

Ahhh the good times.

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clowns, elevators, blimps, and flocks of birds.


clowns because of a james bond movie, i think.


elevators b/c of the small space & fear of being stuck.


blimps b/c they're too quiet and don't move fast. they just hover in space...waiting. very creepy.


birds are the worst, though. i hate the chattering, shrieking noise they make when they cluster in trees at sunset. goosebumps just thinking about them.


oh, and monkeys. YUCKKKKKKKK. it's the chattering, shrieking thing. little furry virus bags.


i never knew i strongly disliked so many things! what a weirdo.

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I don't like escalators, when I was little (8-9) my shoe got caught in to teeth at the top and it ripped the whole thing off my foot. The auto-shut off didn't work, but lucky for me I was holding my moms hand, I could have lost my foot.


I used to be deathly afraid of heights from falling out a 2nd story window when I was 2. I got over it though so I could go up the Eiffel Tower, white knuckled all the way .


Also, I know I sound like a neglected child with all these I almost died/lost limbs comments, but considering I could escaped from my crib before I was 1, I don't blame my parents.

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CB, if I were you, I would have freaked out esp with the escalator. Where I used to work, we had escalators and once I got a shoelace caught in it and almost lost a shoe.


My biggest phobia/fear is needles and getting blood taken. I have had so many instances when I get my blood taken and the vein collapses and then they have to poke me again and again. One time they poked me twice in both arms and couldnt get the blood so they went and took the blood from a vein on my hand. THAT HURT.


I also fear dogs. I was attacked by a dog when I was little and bitten. I needed stitches for that.


Otherwise, I am pretty fearless. Heck, about 10 years ago I went bungee jumping with my best friend. That was cool.

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I used to be deathly afraid of heights from falling out a 2nd story window when I was 2...Also' date=' I know I sound like a neglected child with all these I almost died/lost limbs comments, but considering I could escaped from my crib before I was 1, I don't blame my parents.[/quote']


Did you throw yourself out the window, too?

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Did you throw yourself out the window, too?


Well, sort of... I wanted to see out, I had even gone to the lengths of dragging a stool to the window so I was high enogh to see over the frame. I was leaning on the screen and it gave out.


I gave my Mom grey hair, I was the 2nd kid and my brother had always been an angel, they weren't ready for me, I was a little demon, I could even get in trouble in the time out corner .

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In high school I carried a king snake in my pocket in a cloth bag. Lots of folks liked to hold it, but sometimes a few "tough guys" would scream like babies when I took him out. Really bizarre.

Of course I never exploited their fear.



Dako ~ So when you would take your snake out people would freak huh? Did you stand in the hall and say "wanna see and hold my snake?" ;-)

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I have a severe fear of Water Bugs also known as " * * * * Roaches" even typing this gave me the willies. I have passed out before from this fear ....and I don't know where the hell it came from.


My husband is afraid of Spiders. I am not..and he is not afraid of roaches..so it works out good if we ever are together and one of the evil cretins sneaks up on us...its one squish for man...a huge squish for man kind. (evil laugh) Die roaches die..

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Ever notice that when you're afraid of something that something always seems to be around...it never failed..when we lived in the lower 48, it was almost like a roach was just waiting for me..when i got home. The house could be spotless...the exsterminator could have just left and "bam" out of nowhere Mr. Roach would say "hello Clareece"

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I have a weird fear of balloons. Don't ask why because i have no idea. I just can't stand being around them. My coworkers know it, and take great pleasure torturing me with a balloon. I'm also freak out if i know an alarm is gonna go off - like a fire drill or security alarm. If it goes off without any warning, then im fine. But like in the building i live in they annouce the monthly testing of the fire alarm with flyers put up announcing the day and time. I can't handle being in the building - i have a full out anxiety attack. I've had this fear since kindergarten and am now 22.

I also don't like small spaces i can't get out off (if i can get out im fine) and elevators if they do something funny then i will get a little scared - if it stops then it becomes a small space i cant get out of and i have a panic attack.


And of course theres the fear or creepy crawlies - spiders and snakes. I had a big boa wrap its self around me on a school trip when i was 5 - never again will i get near a snake.

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Roaches seem like an odd phobia to me.

When I was a toddler, we lived in a slum in Maryland.

The roaches would crawl around on my face at night and tickle me.

I can still feel them tickling me awake and me laughing.

One of my fondest early memories.

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I've been trying to think if there any bugs that freak me out cuz everyone seems to have at least one. Bugs creep me out a bit but I don't have a de-mobilizing fear of any....


...Cept woodticks.


They are soooo disgusting. They bury their stupid little heads under your skin and dip it into your blood stream and drink from it like its the biggest beer bong in the world and they're at the party of the century. Then, like any of us would, they bloat up to like, 17 times their size.


Its disgusting. I sooo have freaked out, screaming and carrying on...never fainted, but I did vomit once trying to take one off a dog.....



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Well I thought I had a fear of flying, but yesterday I was watching the planes fly and land by the airport and I realized that it was b/c I hadn't flown for so long and that I was just excited and wanting to fly b/c I love it so much, I guess I created my own fear out of nothing and now i'm trying to reverse it, however I can't afford to just jump on the plane and go somewhere so I have to wait, and waiting makes it worse!!!


All my life i've never really feared anything, but in the back of my head I always had a fear of death, a fear that something would happen to my child if I ever had one, and other things like that. When last year I had a baby and my baby died, and that was one of my worst fears, it's like now all the other things that I used to fear that never really bothered me are really heightened and I think b/c I fear them they are going to happen.


I just wish I could wake up again and not fear a thing.. the thing that helps me the most is my faith, and I know most of you are athiest and I think that's the easy way out.. not saying you are wrong but if I didn't believe anything beyond this life existed then I wouldn't have much to fear than life itself.. religion does pump fear into a lot of people, and a lot of my fear stemmed from a baptist church. However, I haven't lost my faith in God b/c I know there is something out there that hears my prayers and makes miracles happen.. i've seen them. *by the way, i'm not turning this into a religious thread b/c that i'm not*


I enjoyed reading your fears.

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When I was in college, I once lived in a roach-infested building. I was young, I was broke, it was all I could afford.


The roaches had so thouroughlly taken over the place that they didn't even have the decency to scatter when you turned the kitchen light on. They'd keep doing whatever what they were doing, perhaps pausing to look your way as if to say, "Oh, yeah....what do YOU want?"


Good thing roaches aren't on my list of ickiness.

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