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Depressed over someone i can't have

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hi all


I have posted before about a girl i had real feelings for. I can't stop thinking about her. The problem is that she is 25 and i am 20. We went back home together and a lot of things happened. She was telling me how guilty she felt about kissing another guy at a public function. I realised soon after that she actually did like this guy and said he was a nice guy but he was too young for her (he is 18.


I felt really sad and i have to be sorry to admit jealous. I kept on complimenting her and she always said thank you and i even said that she was very attractive. She noticed that i was very sad and asked me many times what was the matter but i gave some silly excuse. She had previously told me that if she had a daughter she would ler her marry me. On this occasion she told me that if she had a younger sister she would let her marry me. Is this a hint at our age gap? She said that i have a good heart and that a lot of girls would like a guy like me? She has also hinted to me that she liked me when on previous journey on a train she rested her head on my shoulder for the entire journey and also recently on msn sent me a smilie kiss with 4 hearts sourrounding it! On this recent journey we talked alot and one of the things we shared together was our childhood nick names. After the journey was over she told me that she didn;t even notice the time go by and neither did i. She also invited me to her house and said that i was very presentable to her parents compared to the other guy (18 yr old). She also told me too never change my personality because it was great.


I can't stop thinking about her. SHe is such a nice and genuine person. I can;t cocentrate on anything. What should i do next? I feel really down and rejected.


Please reply i dont know who else will listen

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As you pointed earlier, this girl showed you signs that she was interested. Is it too late to tell her the same? If you've already met her family and have know her a long time, then I definitely would say it's not too late. As for the daughter comment, that could possibly be an age gap hint, but I'm not sure. Ask her out. The worst she could say is no. And if that happened, than at least you knew, right?

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i feel very scared of rejection. This is because i know deep deep down that i think she likes me but she wouldn't go out with me. I cannot let go of her. I have known her now for a year and a half now. I haven't had a gf before. I am so attracted to her personality. She told me that i am a bit too mature for my age. Why can;t i stop thinking about her.


I have been very depressed and low over the past couple of days and am worried that i wont be able to move on or forget her.


I feel so guilty and sad about many aspects of my life. I feel like crying. She told me that she thinks i have a low self-esteem and think a little too much.

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i haven't read your other posts but i'll give you my opinion on this one.


there is only 5 years difference between you two. i can understand making a comment about you dating/marrying her younger sister but not her daughter. anyways, maybe she's making these comments cause she really likes you and wants to get your reaction on age differences. she did kiss someone even younger then you. she said she felt guilty about kissing him that night. maybe cause she felt nothing for him romantically. she liked him cause he was so nice that it happened but it was a mistake. it was you that later said she realized that she actually liked him but he was too young. sometimes its not really our age but how we act. maybe he acts his age or younger. what's more important then anything else is chemistry and how we connect with someone. we know she really likes you cause she wouldn't make those comments about her sister if she didn't. maybe she is tying to get your opinion. she asked you many times what's wrong and each time you gave a silly excuse. tell her the truth about how you feel about her and what's really bothering you.... or maybe you can start the conversation by telling her how your attracted to older girls and see what she says.

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You may test the waters by telling her "You'd make a great girlfriend but it's too bad that you're 5 years older than me." For all intents and purposes, you're telling her you like her but you're rejecting her before she can reject you. Some people want things they can't have so this might be the way to find out. If she doesn't want to be bothered with you, it won't happen.

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I spoke to her on msn. We just said hello to eachother and i said that i would never forget that journey and she also agreed. She also lost her mobile card with her number on it. She then gave me ur new mobile number and gave me one of those smilie winks on msn. I winked back. What should i do next? My problem is that i joke around with her too much i thimk.

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