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Help me - I'm so bored

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Hey guys,

I just need some advice about life in general!!

I'm just so bored with everything at the moment, is this normal??

I've just started a new uni course so have moved back home and its only been three weeks and i feel like i'm not going anywhere.

I have friends but we only go out at night at drink so i feel like they are only my drunk personality's friends.

I've been with the same guy since i was 15 and am now 19 and this just seems to drag on forever.

I love him to pieces but i also feel like i'm being suffocated and held back from something. I'm not the sort of person who takes to going out and picking up so that isn't the problem. I think i'm just not satisfied with who i am at the moment and am blaming in on our relationship.

I've told him all this and he offered to take a break but that isn't what i want. I want me to change not us.


I dunno, i guess i'm just wondering if low times like this are normal or is something really wrong in my life??

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Perhaps things are too easy? Are you doing well in your courses? It could be the course material is too easy for you, and you get bored with it. Or sometimes the same routine can be boring. Spice up your life then. Do something out of the ordinary, or maybe get a hobby so you don't get bored in life. I don't think it's your relationship. As you said, you want to change and change can be good. So, don't worry.

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I have been there, felt that, got the T shirt. Life has its ups and downs and routine is one of the most 'normal' and frequent things that people bring up when they talk about being depressed.


I am not saying you are depressed darling, because you arent. You are just in a routine and are questionning where you are and who you are. Do you have a job you like? do you have friends that you can talk to and do fun things that dont involve alcohol?


I am 26 I drink myself but when you feel down its not good, it just makes everything feel worse so you dont really need to be around 'dunk friends'.


Think about something you like doing, or get a college brochur and maybe flick through and see if there is a course part time you fancy doing, maye in the evenings?


I was feeling really down and sick of routine and i got a brochure from college and began looking through it, started a course on Child day care and thought it was boring, so i changed and started counselling, which i am now in my second year of my degree in, due to a bout of severe boredom and borderline depression i am now a year offbeing a fully qualified therapist.


change your life, because its the only one you have.


Be happy!

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