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Anyone unhappy with their jobs?

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yes im unhappy with my low paying high demanding job!!


That seems to be more the norm these days unfortunately. Sometimes it truly is the case, and other times it becomes a perception because we don't enjoy what we're doing as much as we used to. What to you do?


If you're in the field you want to be working in, quite often the best way to get a raise is to change companies. It's often very difficult to get merit raises while doing the same job for the same company. Sometimes internal transfers can be helpful too, and achieve a similar result as changing companies without actually having to do so.

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I F*CKEN HATE MY SH*TTY JOB!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE EVRYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!! I WOULD BURN THIS PlACE TO THE GROUND IF I CoULD (as long as all the kids were gone of course) I wish that the adnministrators would all burn in hell and die!!!!!!!!!! I gotta get out of here!

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I don't like my job (customer service work..) but I get on with my co workers. I've been looking for a new job ever since I started in this position, and do a few interviews every month with little sucess. Pay isn't the best, but hopefully moving to a new dept soon where I'll be allowed help the customers

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I had a bad day at work!

I am doing loan processing....

In theory, we need to take photograph on the property before the loan is approved.

In practice, they don't even bother...after the loan is approved than they go and take photo of the property.

If the granted loan, turn bad within 3 years, the officer who process it will be held responsible...and they may downgrade your position, cut your bonus and etc...

I feel that the practice has a grey area. My senior said, we have to take risk to do things fast....

The manager want to push the loan sales fast and be lenient on the requirement. And think about the bad account later.


One of my senior said, we are the person who process loan, the customer is asking us a favour. So we do not have to praise the customer when the customer is helpful to you. Frankly, I really do not agree. Because even though we process the loan and see whether we could grant them the loan. The customers still have the choice to choose other bank.


Why are they like that?


As far as I know in other branch they really did take the photo, before the loan been approved. As they have experience that, the customer claimed that it is a double storey terrace house and it turn out to be a single storey terrace house.


Doing such a work, I am really have to be cautious. It is at best that I try to find other jobs.

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Sigh. I really do love my job. The pay is low, the space is lousy, my co-workers are nutty (but nice, and fun)...but the work is really interesting and challenging, and I get to pick which projects I work on. It's actually pretty great.

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I was offered the internship right after my interview yesturday.


But not sure if I want it. The pay is a little too low for me. Plus the work is not quite what I want to do within my field. It's more on the consulting side of things rather than the programming side of things.


Ah well, I'm picky. But seriously, way too low pay for someone like me who already has some experience in the field.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not at all happy with my career, but feel that I have been marooned on to it. I'm a self-employed Real-Estate agent, and basically all the income I'm making is barely keeping me afloat until the next deal, and I'm being supported for living expenses by my parents and am stuck with advertising bills, car expenses, and am simply not seeing my way properly, and it has been like this for the past couple of years.


There is a saying in Triniadad called 'catch * * *' - meaning you are always in some sort of trouble paying important bills because the money is not enough, and that sort of the problem that I have. Dealing with clients who are too poor or have * * * *ty jobs to qualify for a mortage so we have to get crooked mortgage brokers who can cook the books so I can get paid my stupid commission cheque and sell a house. And, the mortgage broker that I have is on drugs or something because he cant even close a deal on time and is not communicating properly.


NOw, there are times, I may have made lots of money, but the problem is you cant spend it - because, suppose it takes another six months before you get another pay cheque? So far I've waited over five months and nothing, the longest time I remember waiting was like six months. Then, you have to take out an expensive interest commission advance loan if you dont have a credit card which charges 38% interest, and worry about Revenue Canada, if you were successful one year, but are not so successful the following year to pay the taxes that may be owing.


I'm not even filing my taxes yet. This is just so overwhelming. I dont know why I cant get a quality job out there that pays $ 500 or $ 600 a week. I have a University degree, and am intelligent and analytical and can do highly intellectual tasks or functions. Why am I stuck in this rut?

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Err, Luke, sounds like you really better make a career switch very soon. You say you're dealing with crooked mortgage brokers and you're not paying your own taxes. If you stay in that state of existence when the tax man does catch up with you, you'll be in more trouble. Back taxes are payable.


Is there no time left in your day for job hunting? A real estate job traditionally has you working off hours, leaving more of the regular business hours to do other things. And I have to wonder why you feel you're forced to deal with clients who don't have the financial means necessary to make the transactions in the first place. Not ever career is for ever person, regardless of why they ended up in the place they are at. There must be many other things you can do even if you have to take a lower paying job for a short amount of time to bridge the gap.

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I can't decide whether or not to complain about my boss to the department head. Anyone have some advice or their own experiences?


Seems like the wise thing is to keep my mouth shut, just do my job and leave work problems at work.


I've been dealing with this problem since I got into my new position last summer. I've changed my attitude a bit, but some days it still gets me.


Basically, my boss works about 3 hours a day. The rest of the time he's at home (comes in late, leaves early) or does personal stuff at work. Sometimes he doesn't even try to hide it, which I find completely rude. The rest of the staff is working their butts off.


He's great at politics, though. Always has a knack for looking like he's doing sooo much work.


I really value efficiency and quality work, plus fairness, so you can see why this little situation bugs the heck out of me. Plus, if I'm not careful, I end up doing his work.


Should I speak up or keep silent? It's not so easy to find another job in my field.

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K8tie, you have to be really careful on this one. I'd suggest you set up situations so that your boss's boss sees that he's not there or not working when he should be, but try to steer clear of being noticed by your boss as the one blowing the whistle on him. Yeah, it's not right and it's not fair, but it also is unfortunately the way things sometimes go in the working world.


Best you can do is keep your head down, do a great job, and make sure your boss and his boss know that you're doing a good job. It's always so much sweeter when upper management pays you a compliment that skips over your boss's head. (In other words, they don't recognize his work, they recognize yours directly). Work towards the positive things like that rather than dwelling on the negatives.

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Thanks, Ash. What you say makes a lot of sense. I really appreciate your advice, since there's obviously no one at my workplace I could bounce this situation off of. I'll keep plugging away and trying to find opportunities to shine, not just keep the department on track.

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It is me again.

I am unhappy with the environment, though i am happy with the nature of the job.

I am still under probation, so I am not confirmed permenant employment yet. Anyway, my future is not certain yet, as they place me temporary in one place. One of my colleuges who come in earlier than me have not confirm yet. Oh...i really scare that after working for so long and I get retrench or something.

It is better to start my own business. What kind of business could I do part time with limited resource, except MLM or direct sales.


Thank you.

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I've got a pretty stable job that I worked very hard for. My situation is kind of backwards. My boss is a really nice guy and we get along great together, even play golf. He's a standup guy. On the otherhand certain other people and just certain dynamics do tend to piss me off though. Oh, well, I guess that's why it's called "work" and not "fun".

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  • 5 weeks later...

makes noises all day long; fart noises, screeching, banging, abnoctious singing,loud outburst. Is dirty. Inconsiderate. talk badly of people. Constant swearing and other bad language.


I once invited her to a party I was throwing at my house. The next workday she was talking bad about my family to other people. Back stabber.


Talks about private parts in a derogatory ways. words that sound like genetals.


Is rude to me when I ask questions. She gets pissed when she has to clarify paperwork to me. I feel like I cant ask her a question because she belittles me.


Denies request for better gas masks. I can't freely express myself without some kind of retaliation. No common courtesy. Couphing without covering mouth.


Lack of Respect, Verbaly Abusive, communicating without respect,fighting and arguing with others.


"where is fred", Sue " I don't know probably taking a * * * *"


Not proofing things and blaming me for mistakes, even though its her job to check for mistakes. She will do this when she is mad at me to make me less worthy.


Talk badly and insulting about other managers and owner.


Increases workload because she knows I am going to school to better my self.


Talks bady about owner and owners wife. Talks about other employees personal affairs. Back Stabbing.


Makes me do most of the scheduled tasks while she tends to administrative tasks and she says she is the lead artist.


8+ smoke breaks everyday.


I used to have work area of my own. But now for the past 3 years I have had to sit right next to the most inconsiderat annoying and rude person I have ever met. I positive that most would agree.


says she wants to kill everyone


defamtions of character

says people are faking it when they have a work accident.


She had some problem with a black man, I said I had a guy that wanted to fight me at the ferry, She asked "was he black?.


Flips people off when they leave.

"people are * * * *ing idiots"


say she wants to kill everyone...


always swearing.


2-I complain of chemical smell of the spray toner enhancer. She said that if you don't like it find another job. Not given adequate saftey resperator, goggle, and gloves. Only given surgical mask for protection and have been using the same mask for over six months. I can still smell the very powerful vapors. Makes me dizzy, troat scratchy and skin breaks out. Am not provided with new clean masks. must spray in small poorly vetalated room. After spraying I can smell the chemical even when not in the same room. I am constantly exposed almost every day. I hope I dont get cancer or birth defects.


Hazardous Chemical-- A chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence, based

on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles, that acute

or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. The term "health hazard" includes

chemicals that are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, reproductive toxins, irritants,

corrosives, sensitizers, hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins, neurotoxins, agents that act on the

hematopoietic systems and agents that damage the lungs, skin, eyes or mucous membranes


When I complain she will point minor things to retaliate and belittle me.


She gets all the new computer hardware and software. My computer at work is 8 years old and I am compelled to bring my own because if I continue to use this old computer It would kill my career. If I used the old software I would become obselete in my industry. They want to trap me here. She joked about brainwashing me before.


I have worked here for five years. they took a week paid vacation away. since I started I have gotten a total of 1 dollar and 85 cent raise

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Sorry to hear about your situation.


Just want to tell you that you are not alone. Because I also face a difficult colleague just like you.


They want the newest office equipment.


Be little you.


Get all the credits.


Office politics are complicated.


When they see you weakness, they would attack you using that weakness.


You should raise out the mask safety issues to your boss because this is

against work safety and the employee has the right to request for a safety working environment.


Your health is more important. Imagine the medical expenses you have to

bear if anything happen due to unsafety work condition.


I do hope you could solve this problem.


I also doing part time study just like you.

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