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Anyone unhappy with their jobs?

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I'm pretty unhappy with my job right now. It's cool, but my boss just irks me. Once I ensare my cute coworker into my spell, I'll probably go chase a nice cushy job with a fat salary--im underpaid and overworked


All I can say is, don't settle for anything but the best.


If you are unhappy start looking towards a change. What about your job makes you unhappy?

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I just don't like my co-workers.I also think I'm just getting tired of doing what I'm doing(I take care of the elderly).I mean,I like helping them,but I just don't want to work there anymore.It's just that everyone there seems to talk about everybody behind their backs but act like they like them to their face.It makes me sick.And I know that a lot of people don't like me and talk about me behind my back.

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I just don't like my co-workers.I also think I'm just getting tired of doing what I'm doing(I take care of the elderly).I mean,I like helping them,but I just don't want to work there anymore.It's just that everyone there seems to talk about everybody behind their backs but act like they like them to their face.It makes me sick.And I know that a lot of people don't like me and talk about me behind my back.


I have to say, its a great thing you're doing, taking care of the elderly.


Funny you should mention that talk behind peoples backs, because a lot of that goes on at my work; specifically from my boss (she is notorious for venting her frustration with someone to other people). I know she talks about me, but I can't control what she does, so I just lay in the cut and do my job.


Your work situation doesn't seem like its going to improve much. I'd dust off the old resume and start looking for a more professional, satisfying work environment.


I've got a job opening for professional drinking buddy

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Yeah,I guess I'll just start looking for another job.It just kinda sucks because I've been there a year and a half.Owell


Yeah that does suck. Although I remember reading some statistic that most young professionals will over their career have something like 5 jobs.


You could try and change the work environment, its tough to do, but its possible. Try organizing an afterwork get together. THe more people socialize outside of work, the easier it is to get along.

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It's just that everyone there seems to talk about everybody behind their backs but act like they like them to their face.It makes me sick.And I know that a lot of people don't like me and talk about me behind my back.



Honey, you are going to get a lot of that, anywhere. It is something that will happen at any job. Ask me how I know it.


Better start to learn how to deal with it and look for your true allies in there, if you don't, you'll be jumping from one job to the next for the same reason.

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Love my job, the people and the work.... Can't stand my micromanaging boss however. He's an OK guy, but it's obvious that he doesn't trust anyone of us. What's that saying? Treat me like a criminal and I'll never disappoint you? lol An attitude like his sure doesn't encourage us to go the extra mile, that's for sure.

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Hi everyone!I am just very unhappy with my job right now.Anyone else?Does anyone have anything to say that would possibly make me feel better?Thanks!


Oh I am very unhappy with my job. It is unchallenging for me, and not much room for any promotions due to the very small size. It is a lot of work, but not stuff I find very challenging for me or interesting.


However, I made the choice this year to go back to school, and I am starting Law school this fall. I am definitely nervous about going back, and I am going to miss the income (instead of bringing money in I will be shelling it out), and the low-stress and decent hours, but it is the absolute best decision I could of made at this point to be honest!


Honestly, if you are miserable, maybe it's time to make a change? Either find another job, or go back for more training? Since I graduated university in 2000 I have tried a couple different things out and done a lot of training to find my "fit", but ultimately decided I am going to go back to do what I had originally wanted to do in the first place when I started university...funny how that works out


However, you may find a lot of things will follow you from job to job - disgruntled coworkers will be replaced by other disgruntled coworkers, etc...so you need to decide if you love the work itself or not...if yes, see what can be changed where you ARE now. Maybe your coworkers talk about you as you seem to set yourself apart from them, maybe because you are talented and they envy you, maybe if you tried to be a little generous and socialized with them they might surprise you. You will find some of that talking behind backs in many jobs - so better to learn how to cope now with it.

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I've always liked the people I've worked with. In general I've enjoyed the work although it can get a bit dry at times when there are stacks of documents to be written and not much "fun stuff" to do. At times like that, I'd do my own thing at home in the evenings to make up for the fact I wasn't able to do it at work.


I've had a boss or two that micromanage. I find all too often the managers appeared threatened by those working under them and feel the need to supervise every minute detail when things would be better for all involved if they worried about the big picture and let the rest of us get on with the actual work. But I digress ...


In general I am very happy in my job. If you're unhappy then it's time to change something. Perhaps you can keep your job and augment things in different ways, for example by doing activities external to the job, or doing things differently at work in a significant way. Don't let a bad job get you down, try to make it into a better job. If that can't be done then perhaps it is time to move jobs, but when you do make sure you learn from the last job you had and either avoid the same situation, or work from day one to make things different.

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Hey guys!Well,I already have a job interview tomorrow morning!I'm excited and nervous at the same time.I'm also starting to get kind of sad about leaving my job.I think it's because I've been there for a while.But I want to do this.I just hope that it turns out for the best.I'm worried that I'll start my new job and a few months down the road start regreting that I quit my job.I hope that doesn't happen.Anybody have anything else to say?Thanks for all your responses so far!

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You can talk about some of your concerns about your current job during the interview. Just make sure that you spin it the right way. If it sounds like you're complaining the whole time, that will look bad. Something like "At my current job, the work environment isn't positive. Many of my coworkers talk bad about each other, and that creates a very negative atmosphere. I'd love to find a position with a company where the employees are more professional."


I mentioned in my interview that I had a former coworker who took credit for the work I did, and I didn't appreciate that. I've never had that problem here, and my boss goes out of her way to ensure I've get credit for the work I do.


As for regret, look at interviews as being a 2-way street. The company is interviewing you to see if you are a good fit. You should be doing the same. interview the company and make sure they are a good fit with you. Do that, and you're gaurenteed to find a job that is better than your current one.

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Thanks,LostInMyThoughts!I was wondering what I would say if they asked my why I'm leaving my job.I really hope everything turns out okay.Another thing that I'm worried about is I think I'm probably going to get a paycut at the new job.That's going to kinda suck.

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I'd tell them the truth. The environment is not healthy or productive. Many of your coworkers talk badly about each other, and it makes it difficult to work. That says 2 things:


1) You don't do such things

2) You want to be able to work well


Thats okay in my book.


As for pay, well you dont *have* to take the job. Additionally, if you can prove that you deserve it, you can always ask for more than they offer. You never get if you never ask. Also ask whats more important, the money or working in a healthier environment? I was happy to take a paycut for my new job. I work more, and get paid less, but its heaps better than my former job!


Good luck!

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Well,I had my interview this morning.It went pretty good,but the only thing that I don't like is they said that they always start new employees out at part-time.They said they do that to see how good you are.Then if you're doing a good job,they might give you full-time hours.I asked them about how long I would be part-time,and they just said that there's no telling.And what if it's for months?I absolutely need to be full-time.So now I feel like I just don't know what to do.Should I just stay at my job?But I really don't want to.I don't know.Sorry for all of the complaining.

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Funny you should mention that talk behind peoples backs, because a lot of that goes on at my work; specifically from my boss (she is notorious for venting her frustration with someone to other people). I know she talks about me, but I can't control what she does, so I just lay in the cut and do my job.


Oh I completely relate to this. One part of me is hoping my boss will slip up and insult the wrong person some day soon.


Just yesterday we were in a meeting and he told one guy (John) how great John's work was, and that the project would have stood alone even without our other co-worker (Mark) doing his part. Mark wasn't in the room at the time, but he came in later. I couldn't tell if my other co-workers were as shocked as I was, but I hope so. If the boss is saying this behind Mark's back, what's he saying about the rest of us? That's just rude!

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I agree with Lostinmythoughts never settle for second best. It is true what they say that such characters that are gossipers can be found in many jobs and it is important to learn how to try and ignore that smallmindedness. It is important to feel happy in your work place, sometimes a compromise must be met while you work toward your true dream and goals. I would write down your true dreams and make a plan to have tham become real, sometimes working in a less than satisfying position can be more bearable while you can see it is a means to an end. But I have also worked with people that are back biters and it was the best thing I ever did to leave. It is important to know when enough is enough and it is time to move on because the last thing you need is when it starts to make you feel really down which is how I have felt in the past from working with morons. Keep your eyes open for other opportunities and think about things that may be more satisfying for you as a career choice.

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For the past 6 years I had the perfect job. I would get in at 11 and do my data entry while surfing the net. I would take a 90 minute lunch, help a few people within the company, surf the net some more and leave at 6. There was no time table as to when I had to be in, as long as it was between 9-11AM, and leaving between 5-7PM. Whenever deadlines hit, the time frame was easy to fill. Unfortunately I had to leave the job because of matters not in my control. I could go back to the company if I wanted to, but not my original position. I prefer not to. The bad thing about it was that there was no insurance, a so-so 401k plan and no paid vacations or holidays, except for Christmas.


Today I love what I am doing but I hate it. I wish I went to college for a career, I just went for a diploma. Now I am preparing to go night school and pursue my career, but for now my job is not bad. The travel is hell though. I won't be satisfied until I am doing what I want to do, my passion. Right now, I am just paying the bills and supporting my video game addiction. That is my advice to you. Find your passion and pursue it 100%. Be prepared to be humbled if you are starting anew. You may have to take some risks that you don't want to take, but in the long run all it is is a laughable tale to tell your family at the dinner table when you announce that major deal you just struck. Good luck!

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To me...


It is imperative that what you do in life involves your passions. If you are miserable, then what is the point? Seriously? You must make a change now if you feel like you are stuck at a dead-end or plain miserable job. Don't shrug it off. Make changes now. It is your life and you are in control of it. What are you aiming for? Then go for it!




Money should never be an indicator of happiness or success in life. You will start to feel miserable if you do this.


Good luck on your new job searches/interviews! It can be a pain sometimes but hang in there. Ultimately it's for your own benefit. Don't let yourself be stuck with people you just simply can't deal with.

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I am not so happy with my co-worker, not my job. I like my job. I like to do processing and analyse things.


However, there is conflict of interest in my office today.

Actually, we have 2 departments. Due to lack of PC, I have to go from one PC to another PC when the owner of the PC comes back, I have to move and look for other PC. Sometimes, I have to go to another department to borrow their PC. The business manager who in charge of that department ask me to go back to my department to ultilised the PC there.

Well, when I asked the person in my department whether they want to use the PC. Well, they also have things to do. So they have to use it. So I am like a person without home move here and move there...

Today, I just told my senior of my department. And he make a scene...So the co-worker now is worried that their reputation spoiled. And discuss on how to improve the situation. Well, I really have to look and see because they may just discuss it loudly just to satisfy the business manager...

Time will tell whether they are sincere or not...

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Well, when I asked the person in my department whether they want to use the PC. Well, they also have things to do. So they have to use it. So I am like a person without home move here and move there...

Today, I just told my senior of my department. And he make a scene...So the co-worker now is worried that their reputation spoiled. And discuss on how to improve the situation. Well, I really have to look and see because they may just discuss it loudly just to satisfy the business manager...

Time will tell whether they are sincere or not...


Yeah, that's pretty annoying, Guest12345678. I sympathize greatly. I was like you for awhile, because there weren't enough desks at work. I was moving from desk to desk every day! I was willing to put up with it because I am a team player. But after awhile I realized that nobody else in my office was a team player, and I was just getting the short end of the stick, so to speak.


The only solution is to INCREASE THE NUMBER OF PC's at your workplace. I would be insistent but polite about asking for that. You as an employee deserve to have the resources you need to get your job done. Heck, if you have to think up a creative solution (get a discarded PC from another business) then do that. I wish you the best of luck!!

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Wow,I'm really surprised at how many responses I've gotten.Thanks everyone for all your advice!I actually decided to just stay at my job and try to not let anyone get to me.I've been there for a year and a half and I don't want to quit because of people that don't know how to act right.Thanks again for all your advice.

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Good heavens. PC's in todays world are like pencils, pens and paper. They're tools. If you need one, you need one. I'm surprised you have a management that isn't providing enough. What cost is losing a person as compared to the price of a modestly capable computer?


I like K8tie Kool's idea. If you find an inexpensive source for computer that will do what you need to do, why don't you point your boss in that direction? Sometimes there's a used computer reseller around. Either that, or suggest a schedule so that you can share a computer with somebody. Keep it simple, afternoon versus morning or something similar.


It can be tricky not to see a resource issue such as this as being a problem between you and a coworker who doesn't want to give it up when they need it. Perhaps when you really need a computer, and there isn't one immediately avaiable, ask your boss if you can use theirs.

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