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Yes it sounds funny, but is it really that unusual? I'm not too sure, but i seem to find myself terribly jealous of happy, confident people. When someone tells me a story about something "awesome" or "funny" that happened i get jealous and have to put on a pretend smile, but on the inside I'm full of rage.

I used to be quite depressed, as i went through "teenage crisis" i guess some might call it.

I got involved with drugs at 16, I had a horrible boyfriend, I was failing every class in school and my parents hated me and i hated them. I was ready to end everything, i felt like I couldnt go on. But then i started over, went to a new school, got rid of the boyfriend, the drugs and all my druggy friends. I'm happy to say that i have been sober for a very long time and I'm even on honor roll. The relationship with my parents couldn't be better and i have countless friends. Best of all, I'm happy. Something i thought was impossible to find after hitting rock bottom. However, even after finding happiness, i cant seem to understand why i get jealous of other happy people. Maybe I'm still not fully recovered from my depression? Am i just fooling myself? lol. I duno, it sounds silly. I just cant understand my feelings of jealousy for sucha thing. It makes me seem like a horrible person doesn't it?

advice would be appreciated. Thanxxxx!!!

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Most people are envious of other people, so I don't think you are alone. Just remember to count your own blessings day by day. Its awesome that things are turning around so well for you !!!!! And remember that everything has its time. Other people maybe happy now, while are are less so, but things can so easily be reversed. Your time may not be now.

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No matter how many "blessings" one may have, he will continue to envy those around him if he isn't so conceited in thinking he has everything and is himself, a model of perfection. I personally don't know of anyone like that, so I assume you too have this jealousy for everyone's joy. It is like being completely content with flying a kite, but then wonder; what is it like for that kite? Why should it have more fun than me, flying up in the air and I am stuck to the ground? It is a strange comparison, yes, but I think it gets the point accross.

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It doesn't make you a horrible person!! I get jealous sometimes too (and I also hate the feeling)...but then, I just think of all the people who have it worse, and who maybe look at me and wish "I wish I could be her." Like when I pass a homeless guy on the street, or if I see someone in my class who looks SO awkward and out of place. I'm not hungry, I can basically do what I want in life... so it's just a matter of perspective. Everytime you get jealous of someone, remember that someone has it worse. Also, do other people perceive you as a happy person? Maybe they're jealous of you because of it After all, you're on the honour roll, you get along great with your parents and you have countless friends... plenty of people would love to have those things. It's hard to be constantly happy and never be jealous - afterall, we need something to strive towards. Just remind yourself of all the things you are happy with and proud of! You're not a horrible person because it's not like you wish happy people horrible things, you just don't like hearing about it. That's okay as long as you don't the anger/rage get to you too much. I think maybe you're a little scared to be completely happy? Maybe that's why you're jealous of people who seemingly are?

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Personally, I think it's human nature to be jealous. I don't think that anyone can really say that they have never been jealous of others. It's not because you want them to be unhappy.. it could have nothing to do with that.


Jealousy is ok to an extent. You can't control your feelings, but it's not ok when you are actually taking actions to mess up other people's happiness.


I think the important thing is to try to really be happy for others. At this point, you are faking it, not because you wish bad things to happen to them. But if you try to really really be happy for them, you will find that things are different.


It's important to remember that you are not an evil person for getting jealous. I think everyone has a certain part of them that makes them unique and something to be jealous of. As hard as it might seem to believe, there are probably a few people out there who are jealous of you.


I would be curious as to what happens when you truly try to be happy for others. Forget your jealousy, just try to stop those feelings in your mind, even though it's really hard.

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when i was about 7 and my parents were fighting really badly i remember going on top of my tree fort and screaming at the sky yelling to god why he did this to me, why he made this happen, i would stay away from ppl who were overly happy in my views bc it made me more upset to be around them and to either have them happy bc there life is better than mine in so many ways or they would complain about such little things it made me mad to have them complain about things that were nothing that they think is so bad when i've went through much worse, it would annoy me so much, i have a friend now that complains about such little things and is always litterally every word comes out of her mouth is a complain that it makes me mad and annoyed bc she doesn't know how lucky she is and some ppl are that it isn't worse and it's not necissarily the end of the world like it may seem

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