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good diets anyone?

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can anyone help give me any advice into which diet to do.....


since ive stopped travelling and gone back to uni i have put on 15 kilos and am sadly now fairly overweight (weigh 83 kilo and 175cm tall) alot of it is horomal i actually dont eat that much, just dont exercise enuff and have bad metabolism.......


for this reason i was thinking about the liver cleansing diet only because not only do i want to loose the 15 kilo but i also want to clean out my system.........but i do NOT want to do any sort of stupid fad that just sucks gullible people in........i am also scared to do a diet like optifast where u will only put all the weight back on........


i want to do it healthy, to loose weight steadily and to stay eating healthy once ive lost the weight


anyone know of any great diets????///

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Hey i know this sounds a bit stupid but my sister lost a lot of weight in her 3rd year at uni after piling it on in the first 2 years. Her method was: Cut celebrities out of magazines or models with a figure that you would like to have and stick your face on the cut outs! then stick these around the house. Like a picture of your head on Paris hiltons body on the fridge so everytime you go to snack you look and think "hey i look hot" and it really does work. Gives you alot of motivation because you really do wanna look like that. She also joined a dance club which was a 20minute uphill walk from her accomadation block and started going swimming twice a week and doing 50 lengths of the pool. She didnt really dramaticlly change her diet just stuck to drinking a pint of still water if she had the urge to snack this would fill up her stomach.... the key to losing weight is will power- you have to be determined even if your only losing weight slowly

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Best way to lose weight. Monitor your food intake, eat the 4 food groups, try not to eat junk and most importantly exercise. Even if it's only a 30 minute walk everyday. Losing wieght from a diet will lose you wieght, but eventually you'll end up gaining all that weight back without a proper excerise plan.

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Monitor your calorie intake, cut down on carbs and eat lots of protein.


Exercise atleast 30 minutes 3-4 times a week (I recommend windsor pilates, you can do it at home- I hate exercising in public)


Go to a nutritional or herbal supplement store and stock up on healthy things


I'm personally on a diet from Herbalife () I'm ona program that mixture of their products. (Programs vary for individuals to benefit to your needs). It initially flushes out all the toxins, speeds up your metabolism and burns away your fat. Within a month you can lose up to 10-15 pounds (more for men, unfortunately and it's all done naturally using supplements and meal replacements in the forms of shakes, soups, tablets and beverages. It's awesome, especailly for me who can't stick to diets at all...it also has tons of products that suppress appetite naturally, so you don't get hungry, energy drinks (BETTER than redbull, I am totally addicted to them) and tons of other more health oriented products (for diabetes, or heart problems, etc.)


I promote it because it's awesome.

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