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How do you know if a smile means attraction?


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Don't worry wlfpack, I have no intentions of approaching any girl who smiles at me, whether I took a smile as attraction or not, I'm quite shy of putting myself on the line by approaching a girl. I just wanted to feel some kind of confidence that if a girl is smiling at me there is a chance it is because she likes me, I don't really need to know what the proportion of girls who smile at me like me are, be it 50%, 10% or 1%, as long as I know the fact that girls smile at me a fair amount means that there are at least some girls out there who may be attracted to me. I would guess though, that while a smile doesn't always mean attraction, attraction often leads to a smile, thereforeeee some smiles must mean attraction.

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A smile alone doesn't mean anything


Have you read any of the books by Tracy Cox. Shes really good and gives sound advice

A few other experts also give similar advice


Basically what she says is don't count on one signal to see if he/she likes you.


The more signals happening at the same time the better.

Tracy suggests you look for four.


So if he smiles at you, touches your arm, has his body facing towards you and holds eye contact with you.


Chances are he does like you.

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