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? 4 the dumpers: are you still physically attracted to your exes?

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how many of you who dumped your ex are still physically attracted to your ex even though you may not be in love with them anymore.


if you're friends with said ex, does being physically attracted to them complicate things?


me personally, i really only have 1 real ex (well now 2 i guess). the first ex i am friends with but no longer attracted to because she's changed a lot in her physical appearance.


my most recent ex? i think i will always be attracted to her.


just curious what others' experiences have been.


[EDIT] sorry, i didn't mean to post this here in "healing after break up..." [EDIT]

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Well, for the majority of my exes I don't think I was ever really attracted to them in the first place... But with my ex in Ireland, even though he was a jerk in a lot of ways, I'd say as of right now I'm still attracted to him. I don't know if I would be if I saw him again.

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I guess I could say that there is still some physical attraction for my ex but when I think of dealing with her selfrighteous attitude, it not only turns me off but ticks me off too. I'll always be on the defensive around her, guess that means no sex with that ex.

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