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Friend blowing me off and lying?


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I have a friend who does not return my phone calls. Its been months now_ I just get emails from her, when I call her she never calls back. So



SO how do I respond to this, my intuition says to ignore it. Or should I confront her. I dont know why shes saying its "really really something we cant get each other on the phone" when she never calls me back .

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Seems pretty casual to me - not the sort of message you would get from a close friend. It looks as if the breaking up with the b/f is just an excuse for bad behaviour.


Bottom line - if you are giving more than you get and resent that fact, then drop her and move one.

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Well I know some people tell white lies but I mind someone telling me lies that hurt me or discredit what Im saying.

I dont know why she just couldnt say- sorry i couldnt call you instead of making it like its all my fault.

I'm def not writing her back.

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I agree with DN here. If you are feeling bothered over her not calling you and sending such a casual and excuse type email, then I would say move on. If some one is not putting forth a true effort to be friends with you, the maybe its not worth it in the long run.

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Er, I'm bad about this. I wouldn't have said it this way, but sometimes I just have long episodes of phone avoidance when I'm going through a rough time and don't feel like cracking open my heart. It's easier to send short emails just to maintain contact, keep the lines open, and then tell myself that I'll be a better person and pick up the phone soon. I'm glad to see how others perceive it; I think I'll really call my friend in NYC this weekend.

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I understand phone avoidance but when someone leaves you messages, you call them back..

I wouldnt have been upset if she she just said sorry I havent got back to you instead of lying and making it look like its my fault.

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Phone avoidance is one thing - lying is another. Not a 'friendly' thing to do. Why lose any more sleep over her - let her go and find some friends who understand what friendship means.

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So shes supposed to be your friend, dont friends call each other for support? She just sounds like shes avoiding you.


Why dont you just call her again and ask her if she got your messages. Maybe she is having problems but you wont know unless you speak to her. Dont stay on the phone long, just say you have do something-get off in 5 minutes.


Then once you hear her you can make a judgement.

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