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In the past month I've posted a number of really embarrassing things when I feel like crap. It helped to vent, and better yet, I got some help.

Why shouldn't you vent? We all need it.



He's right, he has! LOL. Kidding. And we love him anyway.

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well i used the baseball bat... i just woke up to post this.....

I do that to myself too.. I wonder if she even thinks about me.. i wonder does she miss me... i wonder if i should suggest a meeting or date...... but then i catch myself... and I try hard to believe in some divine plan....If i act its out of fear she will be gone for good .. but then I ask.. what were the reasons we broke up.... what did I NOT like about the relationship... the constant jealousy, the crabbin about everything.. the immatruity, the accusations.. the controling,, hell the hitting and shouting she would do ....the constant never ending need for attention.... then I say ill give it another day then contact her..... and the next day I say the same thing... you get the idea

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