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Going blank a lot and it's weird

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I have been having such weird symptoms. I haven't had the chance to go to the doctor yet, because it was carnival and my dad wasn't able to contact my doctor. But I'm sure that by the time I'm in his office I will forget this.


I go blank more often now-a-days. Writing an essay and I'm full with ideas, and then... they vanish. But a minute after I've been trying to find what they were they appear again. I've been getting multiple thoughts in my mind at once, and then they all vanish, and I'm blank. Sometimes for a few seconds I forget what I was doing, what Ii'm supose to do, what was I thinkin about, sometimes even where I am. But that just happens in a few minutes.


I went to the farmacy the other day and both these brain re-enforcement pills. I got those because I believe I'm losing my concentration and having some memory losses. I started taking them yesterday.


Any thoughts about this? could it have to do with stress, which ive been having a lot these months, or depression, which keeps coming on and off?

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Stress! I have brain farts when I'm under too much stress. I'll be writing and forget what I was going to say before I finish the sentence. I've started just joting down quick notes of ideas that come up so I don't forget them. Paper in the shower is always fun... I don't like the idea of taking drugs for brain boosting, most of them are bunk or cause worse side effects. The best solution is to eat veges, get enough sleep and avoid alcohol.

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Yes, it could be linked to your stress.


Are you on any other medications? Sometimes meds can have this side effect. If you are, be very careful to check for interactions before taking the new pills you got the other day.


This type of thing can occur to most of us, although I'm not sure it's a complete blankness as you describe. However, you are conscious that you have forgotten something which means it's not a total shut down of something in your brain.


Sometimes I find similar things happen with me and my concentration is very easily lost. One thing I find helps is putting on headphones and listening to music, something familiar I don't have to think about. That seems to help me stay more focused.


If you are suffering this on a regular basis and think you're forgetting important things, perhaps you should carry a little notepad and quickly joy down something when it occurs to you.


But certainly see if there is a link to your stress. Severe stress can have many ill effects.

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Yeah stress... thats what i thought =/ no I'm not taking any other pills, just these. But I'm going to the doctor anyways, just to make sure these are good pills or something - see if he agrees with it and stuff.


Carrying a little note book sounds funny =P

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Something else... that just occurred to me, is the fact that sound has given me a lot of trouble. I think I have very sensitive ears, and the sound of bass for example makes me go nuts.. makes me really confused. The sound of my aquarium last night made me have difficulty in sleeping, and it used to never happen.


The sound of my compured makes me lose my concentration as well.


Just pointing that out ^_^ any thing about that?

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Xtina, referring to your ear sensitivity, do you think you might be suffering from a ear infection? I use to get ear infections a lot when I was younger and around the time my ear was acting up, any type of sound would bother me a lot. I ended up taking care of the ear infection problem when I had a tube put in my left ear. That took care of the ear infections.

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i prefer not to think about ear infections .... tube in your ear? didn't thast hurt :S


But how can you know if you have an ear infection? When I think of that... I start imagining puss and all of that crap =/

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Xtina, yes it is a tiny tube, and it is supposed to drain out the fluid that builds up around your ear drum, I think. I dont remember. Ear infections are usually characterized by a sharp pain in your ear that doesnt go away, is very annoying, and if you let it get worse, the pain gets worse and you can develop problems with your equilibrium. Also, with ear infections, you do develop increased sensitivity to noise.


I hope you get your ears looked at ASAP for any possible chance of ear infections. Ear infections are nothing to sneeze about. If left untreated they can cause hearing loss and/or problems with balance.


Two years ago I had surgery to try and correct a hearing problem in my left ear. I have only 20% hearing in my left ear and I have wanted to see if it was possible to get my hearing back without having to use a hearing aid. The doctor took the necessary CT scans and all that and he said that it would be a simple surgery to go in, replace the stape (?) bone, one of the bones that make up the three small bones that are attached to your eardrum and help you to hear. During the surgery, he went in and found out that all three bones are defective and that nothing could be done with it. Apparently, during the surgery, he disturbed something in my eardrum or something. I was suffering from vertigo/balance problems for weeks after the surgery. For the first week, I was so bad that I couldnt even drive.


So, ear problems are nothing to sneeze at.

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ouch! As a good enough reason to go to the doc asap... as for the infections, I remmeber an incident where i had one when I was like 9? pretty bad I remmeber! But I feel nothign at the moment... only headackes.

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FDA is an American agency.. so I don't think it would be applicable there. Ginko Biloba is a spell that you need to go to a voodoo witch doctor for. It involves sacrificing a goat and eating spaghetti from an abalone shell at midnight.


Well.. actually it's an herb that you can buy at a pharmacy...

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I'm against animal killing. Would prefer to get worst than sacraficing an animal.


I'll look for that spell... herb in the pharmacy and try it out. What exacly does it do?


Never mind. I found out. Looks pretty good. thank you

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I would ask the doctor about using Ginkgo Biloba. I also had those problems, momentary memory loss, feeling out of it, etc. Came to find out it was my diet, and a lack of water. Biloba can be very dangerous if you take aspirin every day, or are a hemophiliac. It increases blood flow, and if you get cut you will bleed a lot more if you have those conditions. It's also dangerous if you take depression meds or you're pregnant. It's far from being FDA approved, and that certainly applies to Portugal as well, because they get this herb from the United States, where it is manufactured. Make sure to read the little labels.

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Xtina, although everyone is giving you a whole bunch of possibilities, I think that the main problem here is depression. Depression, especially severe depression, can cause a suprising variety of symptoms, such as:

* Persistently sad, anxious, or "empty" mood.

* Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism.

* Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness.

* Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that were once enjoyed, including sex.

* Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping.

* Decreased appetite and/or weight loss, or overeating and weight gain.

* Fatigue, decreased energy, being "slowed down."

* Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts.

* Restlessness, irritability.

* Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions.

* Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain.


I would advise against taking weird pills, because you don't really know what you're taking, and they can end up screwing with other chemicals in your body if you use them wrong. As I advised in the other post, I think you should see your doctor and tell him about all the feelings and problems you've been having lately. He will then refer you to a psychologist who can prescribe medication, and one of the two will also be able to refer you to a psychiatrist who can help you work through your problems.

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I'm going to the doctor tomorow. Yeah I've been thinking it is depression... and about the pills, im not taking those anymore. I went to a herb shop, and asked what they thought would be good for me and found some things. I will show it to my doctor and see if it is good stuff.


The thing that I'm scared though is to ask tell him all those symptoms, because he can tell me in front of my dad that I have depression. My dad would link depression to suicide and self injure (which i went though in the past - not a nice eppisode of my life) and I really don't want to go through that again. =/ Such a confuzeled little gal!


I think I'm going to ask my dad to stay in the waiting room, while I talk to him...

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Yeah, I think if you went through depression and self-injury in the past, it is definitely prudent to discuss your symptoms with a doctor. And, if you don't want to do that in front of your dad, then that's understandable.

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