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I asked someone..point blank......ifhe didn't ever wanna talk to meagain...why didn't he BLOCK me from his email/phone etc.....THAT was the true test. he never blocked me................OR replied why. So whats the answer?????

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Hahhahaha Melrich. Good question. Because I am the one who keeps this "crazy" thing going. He has the POWER to turn me "off...yet he does not. I am just curious why he doesn't. He is either a 'masochist"...he REALLY likes me (secretly) or he is just f-ing CONFUSED...lol

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Hey LeFem24, is this the same guy who's twice-divorced? He doesn't block you because he doesn't have to. From what you've previously said, it sounds like your Ex believes you'll come back, because you always do.


Rather than focus on what he is and isn't doing, I think the more important questions are "What do you want?" and "Do you honestly believe this guy could ever give those things to you?"


A relationship that's lop-sided is very telling. It says who's willing to put forth the effort because they value the relationship more. What did your Ex's past actions tell you about how he felt not only about you, but the two women he divorced?

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Well if you want to continue to believe HE HAS THE POWER TO TURN YOU OFF, then you will always be on this side of the table.



Try to take some responsibility for your life. And stop waiting around for this guy to block you or unblock you, or whatever it is you think is a sign from the heavens above that he no longer wants to sperak to you.


It is your life, it is time for you to take back your personal power.

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