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BF cant make me orgasm--Jealousy


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Hello. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and he has never made me orgasm through intercourse. In fact, I have not been able to ever orgasm through intercourse. I can make myself orgasm. He can barely make me orgasm through other stimulation such as rubbing and thats it, maybe twice. This is really bothering me now and he has been able to make his past gf's orgasm in all sorts of ways. Is it normal for me to feel jealous? I know not all woman can orgasm through intercourse, but how do I cope with not being able to for now, and not being jealous. I feel like they have a different connection than we have ever had for like orgasming together and what not. Thanks --

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Never compare yourself to your boyfirend.


You know your hot spots, you know EXACTLY what to do, for how long and so on...


Even if you could orgasm with your boyfriend, it would never be the same as you can make yourself, not worse, just different.


Why don't you try showing him what to do? Different positions to stimulate different areas? woman-on-top?


You can google for tips.

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Thanks. We do try everything, me on top i show him exactly where for how long so on, toys, candles, etc, and it doesnt happen. so frustrating, but i guess the main point is how i feel about him and him being able to have done it to other girls and my feelings about that..i know i shouldnt have talked about the ex's, but we did and its too late, the horrible images and comparisons are in my head--

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Hi Heyguys,


Sounds like you guys have really talked this through which is great. I can't tell you any techniques that may help but I would definitely say don't compare yourself to his past girlfriends. Everyone is different and you have to accept that when you are in a relationship. In fact my first advice to you is make specific talk about his exes a no no.


Second thing I'd say, I know with my partner she usually orgasms quite easily but she finds it hard when something is bothering her. Maybe (even subconsciously) because of this "issue" you have it is distracting you from just relaxing?


And finally, in my own experience, women who can orgasm from intercourse alone are far outnumbered by those who can't.


I think the most important thjing for you is to try and find a way to relax about the whole thing and keep letting him know what it is you like.

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Sex isn't like all those lovely little pornos where they climax together in the throes of passion. It is highly unlikely for you to have an orgasm through intercourse alone. Most women do require significant amounts of stimulation to reach climax, be it clitoral or G-spot. If you've been frustrated by this it will make it harder. I've had times when nothing I do will make me orgasm and I'm the one that knows me best, but the frustration builds on itself and makes everything worse. The best thing you can do is to relax and have him relax too. Take ALOT of time to be together where his attention is focused on you, you might even get a vibe involved, the purpose of you being together for that time is your orgasm not sex.

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I think making love is such a wonderful thing. I personally don't always orgasm from sex. I think the important thing is the intimacy you share and how much you love each other. With that said, you should definitely find other ways to have an orgasm. Teach him how to use his fingers or his tongue. I find that most women I make orgasm is when I use my tongue. Sex is an episode of different activities and as long as you have an orgasm then who cares how it happened. If you can make yourself orgasm then show him how. If it does not work, then please him and yourself at the same time. It is all about intimacy and fun and as long as you climax who cares how it happened.

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I don't think you should feel jealous or inadequate next to his ex's.


Every person if different sexually, and every two people together are different as well.


Maybe you should try relaxing exercises? Maybe the fact tat you're stressing and aniticipating the big O that you're not focusing on the feeling itself...because getting there is more than half the fun

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