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A question for all the shy males here

Kevin T

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(Can't believe I'm still here. But this is for school, so it's okay. lol)


Anyway, I need all of you guys who consider yourself to be shy to answer a quick question for me. I'm doing a survey for school on shyness (go figure, considering I'm pretty shy myself). Anyway, it's for psychology and all everyone's responses will be anonymous. I'm wondering about everyone's weight, actually. You don't have to give me the actual numbers if you don't want, but please state which of the following you fall under:


a) I consider myself underweight/skinny/thin.


b) I consider myself overweight/fat/heavy.


c) I consider myself average weight/moderate/normal.


I won't go into using the BMI, I trust everyone's self-reports enough (although if you are unsure where you'd fall under, you are free to post your height/weight or your BMI.)


Anyway, any and all replies are much appreciated! Thanks!

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