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Sex buddies


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I have somewhat of a problem. A long time ago, this girl I work with had a huge crush on me. We were both 25 at the time (3years ago). She was flirting with me from the moment we met. I picked up on it, but I didn't think fooling around with someone at any job, let alone a brand new job, was a good idea. But she would make it even harder for me, she started wearing really revealing clothing, really tight short skirts. She eventually flashed her panties at me while we were on a cigarette break. I initially didn't find her that attractive, she is the kind of girl from the wrong side of the tracks. Kind of trashy in a way, but really nice.


Anyways, she was having her birthday and said she didn't have anyone to go out and celebrate with. I felt bad for her so I asked her if I could take her out for a drink. She agreed and met me at a bar after work. When she got to the bar she had already had one or two shots before she arrived. She said she was already kind of drunk. We both had a drink or two and I decided it was best for both of us to go home. When we walked outside, she was stumbling a little bit. She lived on the other side of town and my place wasn't far. When we got back to my place I let her have my bed and I was going to sleep on the couch. She said that we could share it wouldn't be a big deal. I should have known what would happen, I gues maybe I did, but anyways. We ended up having sex all night. She was amazing. Time went by at work, no big deal, we both said it was just a on night thing. But the sex was so good neither one of us could quit thinking about it.





Much later on she ended up in a relationship with a guy and they moved in together. But she still would end up flirting with me sometimes at work. So much so that we ended up having sex in the basement at work during one day.





Here is where the problem comes in. She says she doesn't love this guy she is with but she doesn't love me. I can't stop thinking about having sex with her because it was so mind blowing. I try to talk her into it again sometimes but she says we shouldn't. But she also says she doesn't necessarily want me to stop trying. I think she likes the attention from me, and she said she loves the sex, but still turns me down whenever I ask. I can't hardly stand it anymore. Is it so wrong to have a sex partner that you are not in a one on one relationship with. Her and I don't have that much else in common, but in bed it seems like we are the best either one of us has had. I have never been that turned on by anyone in my life, I would have sex with her every day if I could. I don't know what to do anymore.

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Seems like she does like the attention. If she doesn't want to have sex with you, she should tell you to just stop asking. But it's kinda like a game. What I would do in this situation, is turn the game around. I don't like games at all but this isn't a relationship so it's not big deal. Start giving another girl in the office (if possible) the same attention you used to give her. When she sees that, my guess is that either her jealousy would take over OR it will disgust her and she will stop the flirting with you. Either way, you are not stuck in limbo anymore.

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Stay away. Cut all ties. The relationship is all about the sex and is wrong. To keep going would be to set yourself up for a lot of pain.


She wears revealing clothes and flashes herself.

She gets drunk and has sex with people.

She is cheating on another guy.

She admits to not loving you.


She is the kind of person who isn't out for a relationship, only out for sex and games. I could call her a few things, but I'm too nice. Don't let sex be a reason to hold onto something that will not work out.

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Regardless of how good the sex is, I would agree with shysoul.. it's not worth it. I mean, what if she ended up pregnant? Would you really want to have a kid with her?? Or the fact that she's sleeping around... uhh, that's an easy way to get an STD or something....

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Good points from fishrrshortae. And even if there isn't disease or pregnancy involved, this can't go on forever. There's no future in it by her own admission. As good as the sex may be, eventually you'll want more and she won't be able to give that to you. Better to end things now before you get to attached.

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Got yourself in quite a pickle haven't you.


There's an old adage.. "Don't poop where you eat"...(cln version). SEX at work.. ON PREMISIS!!! Do you NOT value of a paycheck????


Be it as it may.. lots of people do find each other at their place of employement. With it comes all sorts of problems should a break occur.


This on the other hand is "just sex"...soooo..what do you do?


I don't reccomend playing games and leading another poor soul into a jealousy triangle for your own ends.


Do you see ANY chance of a relationship??? remotely possible??

Then ignore her. Don't tease or play with her anymore. She'll eventually lose interest.. or she'll come out to play. If she comes out to play... then ask her out for a DATE and "get to know her" that is.. if you are interested in a relationship. IF NOT.. Just ignore her and she'll go away.


Meanwhile... go out with your friends and go hunting. Find yourself someone else more suitable for you.


Have you thought that the sex could have been mind-blowing because of the illicitness of it. Playing pee-pee games all day at work gets the cerebral cortex motor running. Your BRAIN is your largest sex organ....


So turn it off.. tune it out.... put on a pair of headphones and escape.. do whatever you have to but put a stop to those NEURO TRANSMITTERS that are now craving the drug of choice.. HER.

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  • 1 month later...
Stay away. Cut all ties. The relationship is all about the sex and is wrong. To keep going would be to set yourself up for a lot of pain.


She wears revealing clothes and flashes herself.

She gets drunk and has sex with people.

She is cheating on another guy.

She admits to not loving you.


She is the kind of person who isn't out for a relationship, only out for sex and games. I could call her a few things, but I'm too nice. Don't let sex be a reason to hold onto something that will not work out.


but neither is he.


i say go for the sex man, its all both of you want, so no harm done.

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I think NoComply is wrong Sex thats up to you but not at work.


See Im a big bad boss man, where I work I have a team and once a long time ago I found 2 of my team, making out behind a desk, It was late when we where doing all nighters to get a job out. Now I did not say a word when I found them but just left the room. I had to have a long think about what I was going to do about this. I had a chat with each of them pointing out some home truths


Like If some one had found them he/she could just say the other had pushed them selfs on he/she and you know where that could lead court.


They both got a repromand which I felt was getting of light.


I believe sex at work is wrong on so meny levels, but its your life do as you see fit but note the dangers is such acts.

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