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Now I really am the stupidest woman alive

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Hi Nathalie1970,


Hadn't seen you around here much and I was hoping that you were being occupied by more "funner" things.


Sorry that this wasn't the case. I don't think you have really done anything wrong. Maybe this is a final clue that it just isn't going to work. Maybe this is the last straw(?) I hope so for your sake and even his.


I think that it is amazing how we can get wrapped up in so much passion from a past love from the smallest things, a wave, a look, anything.... This is normal. Don't feel bad about it. Don't beat yourself up about it. Don't beat him up about it. I've done it. I can't help but do it now. When I see my ex walking down the hall, I think I see the sadness in her eyes. I have a quick emotional breakdown, but then I think, that's not true. I am actually looking in the mirror and she is reflecting what she see's in me. (I know, I might be crazy).....


All this aside, I know she is with somebody else. I've tried a couple of times to be with someone and I just don't feel like I can or want to be at the comfort level I was use to with the ex. Sure, the new girls so far have been fast, and want it all for some reason, but something is kicking the back of my brain saying "too fast, slow down, take it easy, it's too soon"....


I think your email to him was very honest and sincere, to the point and you let him know definitely how you feel. I also think his was too. Next time, maybe before you send it let us proof read it and give our opinions. I keep telling my self when I have the urge that is what I'm going to do. Thank God, so far it hasn't happened. So if you ever see an email on this site from me to my ex, give it to me, honestly, openly and don't hold back.


Hang in there!


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I definitely like the idea of putting the email here on the site rather than sending it to him. I will also keep an eye out for your emails that you might send to your ex.


It's funny, I seem better at giving out good advice than rather than taking it. Go figure....

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Reading your posts puts a lump in my throat as do some of the others....having gone through a breakup recently I can certainly empathize with how you feel. Actually, your story sounds like me and my ex fiancee from years past. The only thing I can say is a guy like this doesnt deserve all that you have to give. I think he wants you for fear of losing you....when it comes right fdown to it I believe if BOTH of you wanted to make 100% commitment to this you could make it work....it might take counseling, etc but I believe anyhting is possible if 2 people want it. It just sounds like you want it more than he does...your actions prove that. Remember that words, while strong, are only validated by people's actions. Telling someone you love them carries nothing without the actions behind it.


I hesitate to say this b/c I do not want to be inapproprate, but you are so beautiful, and you seem so nice and grounded in your life......this guy is losing out. There is someone out there who will embrace everything you are and love you with all of their heart.


Keep the faith

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LOL, I had a feeling you'd be seeing your ex REAL soon. Didn't think it would be quite that soon though. Still to be completely fair, it might have been just a coincidence that he was right in front of your work, but somehow I doubt it.


Thank God he's going to be gone for 4 days. It will definitely make it much more easier for you to start thinking about what he's doing to you. Break the cycle Nathalie. I know you can do it.

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I think it was a coincidence, he can't pick his details, but I'm sure he knew at some point he would see me if he was working there. I will try with all my might to break this awful cycle that I seem to be stuck in. He won't be around for me to see, so it will make it easier. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will not see him for awhile, even when he returns.

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Pikey I hate to disagree with you, but it's really not a good thing to see someone here (as much as I love you all) because it is indicative of things going really really wrong. I keep questioning, that if i come here constantly am i doing myself a disservice by constantly stirring up memories and questions. It's weird I know, you are all sooo nice and understanding but...I kind of think I am feeding my problem instead of letting it dissappear. I don't know I have a decision to make.


Sorry to hijack that Nathalie

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Pikey I hate to disagree with you, but it's really not a good thing to see someone here (as much as I love you all) because it is indicative of things going really really wrong.


Not always. There are a lot of people on here who post to help other people out too...

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Not always. There are a lot of people on here who post to help other people out too...


Yeah, I come here to check on friends, not just to spill my sorrows. Some of the smartest and funniest people I've ever met are here on this site. We could have a helluva party, actually, and probably NOT talk about the exes for at least...oh, an hour or so.


Besides, if you see somebody here, it also means they aren't dead or so depressed they can't get out of bed. Sorry to be grim, but these can be serious times.

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Have to disagree with you too Diggitydave. Although most people do come back because they have a problem in their live that they need to talk out, some people don't come for that at all. Me, I find that trying to help other people when I can helps myself with my problems too. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's true.


I never begrudge a person coming back to the forums (I know you don't either diggity). Yes, most of the time it is because they need help, but while they get that help, they also try to help others at the same time. It's really a beautiful thing when you think about it.

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Yes, most of the time it is because they need help, but while they get that help, they also try to help others at the same time. It's really a beautiful thing when you think about it.


As we all know, it's easier to give out advice than to take it..lol


I know that I come looking for help and end up trying to help someone else out and it makes me feel better in the long run. Everyone here is looking out for everyone else...

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