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My boss is a bozo

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I'm sorry, but I just have to get this out there: My boss is a total bozo.


I swear his behavior drives me up a wall. He feels like he has to dominate every conversation and display his "charisma" (hint: if you have to try that hard, you don't have any). I'm laid back, but I get work done. He runs around talking with people and trying to be Mr. Popular, and meanwhile gets as little work done as possible.


He's always talking about himself. "Boy, I'm having a busy day today!" he says to no one in particular. Hey news alert - you're the boss. You're SUPPOSED to be busy. He talks as if he's doing all this work stuff, then he spends his every free moment typing his personal blog. He's a middle aged man! Such a loser. I wish department head would WAKE UP and toss this guy out on his keester.


I feel like telling him, Hey man, if you want to sit around and do nothing , do us all a favor and quit so you can stay home all day in your jammies. Sheesh. Seriously, I pity the guy, but I pity myself more 'cause I gotta work with him. ](*,)

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Be glad for little things...like, that he doesn't have really bad breath. Or...that he doesn't leave snotty crumpled kleenex lying around everywhere...or that he doesn't burp loudly. I've experienced all of these. As a big ol' hint that he's a big ol' dork, leave a copy of The Office (British version) in his mailbox.

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Thanks everyone for the replies. It's good to know I'm not alone. I wish I could complain about him; I haven't figured out a good way to do that because we're a small office. I don't want it to be obvious who is complaining, because he has no qualms about gossipping about people. I just hate how self-absorbed he is. He thinks he has "personality." eyes: I can't stand listening to him.


But yes, keenan, things could be worse. He could actually be a terror instead of a fool. And LOL about leaving The Office in his mailbox!!

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