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I dont want to attend my friends Christening

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I have a friend from High school, we're in our late twenties now. But we never hung out after HS, I tried to but she never wanted to hang out with me but we still kept in touch through phone.


I went to her wedding. She had two babies already, I didnt attend the showers because I felt we werent close. I mean she never got together with me all those years. But i didnt contact her for a year and she did call a couple of times and sent letters so I thought it was nice she still wanted to be friends.


I spoke with her around x-mas, shes not as friendly and open as she used to be, which I was surprised.More of an aquinatnce type. I sent her a x-mas present for her baby just to be nice.


But now shes inviting me to the babys Christening. I dont want to go. When we talked on the phone, shes the one who wanted to get off twice. Didnt call back. And didnt say "lets get together".


I know shes busy with 3 children but she could have said it would be nice to see me, and she didnt and now I get a Christening invite.


Is it wrong for me not to attend and do i have to call and say I cant make it? Or do i just send back the RSVP?

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RSVP "no". There should be a place on the card. You don't have to give her an explanation.


If there isn't a box to check on the RSVP card, then just send her a card congratulating her on her happiness, and expressing your regrets that you won't be able to attend. Wish her the best, and all that....


Don't feel guilty.

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