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I'm 20 she's 25 help!

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Theres this girl that keeps flirlting with me. She is known to flirt with a lot of ppl. But with me it seems more. She txts me when i pass exams and we are always quite close when talking. Her knee touched my knee for a whole conversation and also our elbows were touching once aswell.


Recently things have intesified. We were at a gathering (she was a little drunk) and she said to me that if she had a daughter she would let her marry me. A couple of days later she initiated a conversation with me on msn. Saying how embarrassed she was. I then proceeded to ask her 'would u let ur daughter marry me?' (she doesn't have a daughter hypothetical qu she posed to me) She then replied:


'Yes i would because u are are a rare breed of guys and that alot of girls like guys like u.' She then proceeded to say that she was thinking of coming on the same flight on the same day as me. She knew i was going home on that day because i had told her the previous day.


Does she like me as a friend or more? Help me guys plz

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well i think she likes you....definitely....i say you should make a move and ask her out if you like her too....


the whole daughter thing is weird...she really isn't that much older than you and if she had a daughter she would be much younger than you so i was a little thrown by that but maybe i just thought too much into it in that direction, or she was just actually letting you know how she felt about you with that situation question....i would go with the later one there.

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I think with the daughter thing that she does like you, but she thinks she is too old for you and that is how she is going to deal with letting your know. She's uncomfortable with her feelings for you. It's unfortunate too because 5 years really isin't that big a deal.

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Seems pretty clear that she likes you. I think the daughter comment was just a roundabout way of telling you that she thinks you're cool--that you're unusual and have qualities she admires (and maybe that she trusts you, thinks you're a 'nice' guy). I don't think the daughter comment was even remotely a nod to the age difference--5 years is just no big thing, and it's probably a less of a big deal to her than to you. If she'd been trying to hint about an age awkwardness in order to discover your feelings about it, she would have talked about a hypothetical younger sister, perhaps. Go for it! Ask her out.

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I also forgot to mention that when we were talking on msn at the end of the conversation she sent one of those 'kissing lips and 4 hearts surrounding them' type smilie messages. Why do u think she sent me one of those. Is she just joking around with me or do u think she is letting me know that she likes me.


Would a friend send a kissing lips and hearts smilie to a guy if she didn't fancy the guy?


I am so confused. Plz help and reply. I cannot stop thinking about her and its affecting my studies. I think about her all day. Is this normal. Why do i feel like this?



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