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Potential 3rd Date - I Need some Female and Male Imput


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For a quick intro, I have been on 2 dates w/ this girl who I met 3 weeks ago. First date we went out for coffee and just talked. Second date, we went to dinner, she came to watch my football game and then we went bowling.


Now, I don't know why I feel bad about date #2, but I have a feeling, even though she said she wanted to, going to watch me play football was not her idea of a fun date. So, I would like to make it up to her.


I would like to take her some place nice, classy, somewhere we can go where we both should dress up. I just don't want to make her feel uncomfortable by us going somewhere a little more expensive. She seems like the type of girl that likes to do things a little more extravagant from time to time.


What I am wondering is, do I save this type of evening for a potential anniversary date? or can I go ahead w/o making her feel uncomfortable?


Any suggestions for a third date?


I was also thinking of making her a mix cd w/ a few songs I think she might like. Should I hold off, or should I just go for it?


ps We are both 24 and career people if that helps w/ determining answers.

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The age/profession helps. Take her some place nice, but don't be all mushy/romantic. Tell her you want to make sitting in the cold watching your football game up to her


I would save the cd idea though... that seems a little mushy for a third date, but I guess it depends. Things like that are nice to save for when you can't really get together due to schedule conflicts, but want to let them know you are thinking baout them.


Of course, this is just what I would do...

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I think mixing up dates is a great thing to do, I love "active outdoor" dates personally, but I still like getting dressed up and going out too. I don't see why that is only for "potential anniversary dates"???


I don't think it needs to be expensive to be classy and nice, so don't break your budget by any means. Cooking at home is great too.


I would NOT give her a "mixed CD" at this point though. I don't know, that is something you do when you know the person a bit more and what they are into, and have songs of some significance..unless she mentioned 'I love that band' - then sure, but the mixed tape/cd thing is a bit soon 3 dates in. Just my humble opinion. She is still getting to know you, and you her...it might be too much right now.

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Save your money, kid. Dating doesn't need to be and shouldn't be expensive - especially if this is only your 3rd date. And if you're dating multiple people, make it even cheaper unless you're loaded. But even then, expensive does not = her liking you more. Let's see - you've taken her to dinner and one activity date. Throw in a different activity if you can and avoid an expensive dinner. You can go to a moderatly priced place such as AppleBees, Olive Garden, P.F. Changs but I wouldn't go more expensive than that on a 3rd date. Feed her in intervals and don't try to impress her, otherwise by the 10th date she'll expect dinner in the Royal Palace.


Also, if you haven't busted a move on her yet (kiss) then wait no longer. Good luck.

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Mixed cd = at least 5th or 6th date or 2 weeks whatever is first.

Movies= anytime

Go for a walk

Go get an ice cream

Go for a hike in the woods


Dates don't have to cost money ya know. Girls aren't always after expensive things.

I much rather have my bf over to watch tv or play some PS2.


He lives with me though , so I dont ahve that issue anymore.



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I'm in the classier date camp. Variety is nice, and most girls do like to get dressed up a bit for the occasional splurgy evening out. If you would both enjoy it, go out for a fancy dinner. If that feels like too much pressure, what about getting dressed up for Saturday evening drinks & appetizers, then going to a play...or to see some live music? You could make a music event as formal as you want--anywhere between a cool club & a symphony. Hmmm, then for a fourth date, you could try an afternoon at a museum, or a Sunday brunch at your place (you cook), or a picnic at a lake.... Hey, can I just plan your schedule? ;-)


Save the CD...it's too much, too fast.

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This is the 3rd date dude you dont have to worry, just plan something and let the date take its course, you're already in her good graces. If you feel so guilty for her coming to watch you play, then return the sentiment, go see her do something that bores the hell out of you. Keep it simple or go wild it doesnt matter just make sure you both have some fun.

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Am I living vicariously? or was that directed to keenan?


I appreciate all the ideas, I think I am going to go w/ a place she suggested last weekend that we both thought didn't take reservations and then we found out later they do. She has mentioned to me how she would love to go sledding at a hill near her place, so perhaps we can do that in the afternoon, go to dinner and perhaps a movie in the evening. Sounds fun?


Its a lot harder in the winter time to make an evening fun and romantic I find. In the summer, there is much more to do Downtown and nothing beats a picnic near the water, and most people don't mind taking a nice walk when its warm outside, as opposed to the frigid cold we have experienced lately.


hey...this may sound corny but I have to ask, how do you make the first kiss in the car?...i just see my self motioning accross to the passenger side and feeling like a total dork. as for PDA (public display of affection), i know some girls like it, others don't. what about the first kiss? privacy or whenever i feel comfortable, do so?


But consensus is no cd...I thank you for the consistent answers.

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First kiss... I've done it when getting the door to the car on the trip home (stand outside a bit) and also after letting them out of the car (preferred). I don't just sit in the car and let them get out on their own. I find it much more natural to be standing. There's too much space for the lean in inside a car and it's somewhat claustrophobic.

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First kiss--let it flow, don't force the time or place. If you're already a bit physically flirty (touching, playful slaps on the arm, etc., hand holding), it'll be more natural to kind of latch onto her shoulders & lean in. It's easier if you're laughing and friendly rather than too forced or formal. Awww, fun.

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