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the ideal friend and returning to friendships


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What is it about you that friends like, and how would you serve as the perfect model of a friend?




How does a person excel at "catching up on things" with a friend that they haven't seen in months or longer? How much more difficult is it when that friend has his or her own clique or group of friends?

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I like to think I'm kind and considerate of others. I do my best to help someone with the problem academic or social. If I can't help, I try to be supportive of their choices. I love to give encouragement, I got in trouble for putting happy faces on papers when I was grading ( so what if it was a 4th yr engineering class, they liked em). I'm very loyal to all my friends and will stand behind them.

Catching up can be so much fun! Take them out to coffee or for a long lunch. Just start when you last saw each other and go from there. It's like you get this little parcel of their life from that time, wrapped up in one afternoon.

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My friends like the fact that we don't need to talk every week- but we can always pick up right where we left off when we do talk.


I think a model friend is one who is not possesive or jealous- who does not complicate your life- but who is there when it counts. A model friend enriches your life.


My friends know that we both have busy lives, we don't take it personally if we do not hear from one another every day. We are there for one another when it counts the most.


As Carnelian Butterfly stated- there is nothing better than catching up with a cup of coffee and a friend.




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