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Sex On Drugs


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i think you just need to get with someone who you like and and are physically attracted to and you feel 100% comfortable...

you need to be shown a good time.

cause i dont understand why ANYONE would not like sex!!!

haha chelsey your crazy sorry i cant be a sex freak like you!! i wish i could and i wish i could find someone but im a LOSER!! but im happy!

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I hope you used a condom.

Studies have shown that long term use of pot is linked to disruption in hormone product, which maybe causing your lack of libido.

E can cause prolonged depression, anxiety and flashbacks, all things that would effect your willings to have and enjoy sex.

Meth can cause anxiety, memory loss as well as kidney, tissue , cardiac and nuerological damage. Your nervous system is responsible for sensing pain and pleasure, it you've done enough damage sexual stimulation maybe diminished.

Wow, drugs are fun!

um for 1 thing i wasnt on any of the drugs for that long i only did drugs for a month then i stoped i dont smoke pot i have only gotten high maybe 5 times in my 18 years.. so yea..

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Um, why did you call them a sex freak? The advice was perfectly logical. Stop hanging around with losers, find someone who is a good person and serious about a lasting relationship and you will have the best sex of your life.

um i was talking to my friend..

yea right the best sex of my life.. then why couldnt i have the best sex of my life with someone i was in love with and marryed to??

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What do you want us to say? You are the one who keeps bringing up drugs. If you think they might have caused this whole situation, then yes, bring it up. Even one time could have been enought to have fried some vital link in the brain.



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Well with lack of knowledge in the Drug Department, I can say that a visit to the doctor will be informative and most likely helpfull, You can tell a doc any thing, he is there only to help you [ and make a pay check ] , Fell free to say that in your past you have experimented with drugs, and now that you don't feel right about sex, like some one else said, it could be physical or mental, you might need some trips to a theripist, or a support group, the worlds not out the get you for what you did in the past. By the way.. caps lock..

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I believe the misconception that you are talking about is about the biochemical effects of E on the brain during sex. I believe that initially sex will not be the same because you are comparing it to that experience. The sexual experience grows as our knowledge in that arena increases, so I dont believe that you ruined sex for the rest of your life by having sex on E.

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I Dont Think Im Going To See A Theripist I Have Already Done That Not For This But For Depression And I Dont Think There Going To Help There Just Going To Ask Me Hella Stuff And Then Thats It.. Give Me Some Pills And Push Me Out The Door..

Maybe The Reason I Dont Like Sex Is Cuz I Have Never Been A Sexual Person And Doing It On E Didnt Help Much But Yea..


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Drugs mess with your mind. While on them, everything feels different. If you later have sex without them, you will be comparing it to the other time and it will seem different because the frame of mind you are in will be different. It may also be some guilt over doing the drugs in the first placed mixed in there and associating it with sex.

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