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Kevin T

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Sorry 'bout the weird title, but I didn't know what else to call it. I'm still kind of in shock, I guess.


Anyway, as some of you may or may not know, for the past 3 months or so, there has been a certain girl that I have liked, who I initially thought liked me. (Ironically, she has the same hair color I do. Anyhow, she's very pretty and has a beautiful smile.) But I was always too shy and timid to ever actually ask her out. Well, last week I was ready to do it, but then she mentioned something about her being a vegatarian in class, which completely turned me off, so I didn't bother. But then I talked it over with some friends and I realized I was being too picky (one of the main reasons for me being alone, I'm sorry to admit) and just plain stupid. So I thought if I was given another opportunity, I'd take it and ask her out... even if just for a simple coffee. If she said no, then so be it.


Well, today in the library, I saw her studying as I walked by to find a seat. I got up a little later to do something, and on my way back, I decided (completely impulsively) to go over and talk to her. Something in me just said 'Go for it', so I did. I walked over to her desk and figured I'd talk to her about our upcoming essay or our past exams or something school-related.


So I go over and say 'hi' (not too loudly, since it is the library) and she responds with a great big smile and says 'hi' back. We talked for a few minutes about our classes, and after about five minutes I figured, 'It's now or never...' so I took the plunge and leap of faith and said to her(quietly of course), 'I know it's not really the time or place for this, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime? It can be just for coffee or maybe we could even just get together and study sometime.' (My exact words.) She immediately replies, 'Sure! I'd love to!' with zeal; not indifference or 'just shut up and go away', but with such an enthusiasm that it almost seemed like she was waiting for me to ask her. So we exchanged numbers and said we'd talk tomorrow in class (since we have classes together tomorrow night). She said she'll save me a seat and I thanked her and was off.


Now, I just wanted to share my good tidings. Moreover, I want to encourage ANYONE who has ever been hesistant in asking someone they really like out. Chances are, he/she might just be waiting for you to do so! Sounds like a crock, but it could be the truth! After all, I came to realize how stupid it was for me to be so reluctant to ask her. It was like, 'All THAT anxiety, worrying, fretting, etc. for NOTHING!' I was relieved, but also felt like an idiot for waiting 3 damn months to ask her! I mean, how senseless was that?!


So, I definitely learned that waiting isn't a good thing, but fortunately for me, it wasn't too late. In the end, it was worth the wait. Heck, just seeing her smile and enthusiasm (especially considering we were in the library) was just plain awesome. I guess my intuition was right after all; I'm just glad I finally did something about it. I feel so much better now... and I have something to look forward to. I get the opportunity to get to know a really kind, beautiful, sweet girl!


Yes, it's a good day!

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I think looking up the definition of an 'overly shy fool' is probably more fitting for me. lol


how are you overly shy, or a fool?


You asked her out, and she said yes.


Doesn't seem like you are either.


Just think of it as you were taking time to do recon work


Anyway if you ever want some kick-butt vegetarian recipies, let me know. I've got some pretty bad-ace ones.

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Thanks everyone.


Yeah, I wasn't going to call her until Thursday or Friday. Probably Thursday to make plans for the weekend. I'll talk to her tomorrow, but now that my foot's in the door, I can relax and take it easy without having to worry about asking her to go out with me.


I have gone on dates before. Remember, I was engaged a few years back. I've just been out of the groove for a couple years now. It's such a great feeling, though, overcoming one's shyness!

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Hi guys,


Not much to update at the moment, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone. Kudos.


And with it being this crazy time of the year at school, with midterms, exams and essays all coming up, I'll be gone for a bit from here. Possibly until the end of April or so. I can try and make time, but school comes first. I need an 80% average to get into the program I want, so I've got to get my butt going on that! If I fail, I have no future. So I've got to succeed!


I'll try and be around, but no promises. Laterz. lol

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Word of advice? Wait at *least* 3 days to call her, 4 would be perfect. Do it on a weekday afternoon/evening, not Friday or Saturday.


And don't interrogate her on the date, but do get to know her.


Why? To let her know she's really not very important to him? What's the strategy there? (Am being curious, not difficult.)

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Still here. lol


Well, I used to think that me not being a vegatarian and my girlfriend being one would cause conflict, especially since I'm opinionated and if she was also opinionated, it could cause big problems. But I'm over it now...

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Still here. lol


Well, I used to think that me not being a vegatarian and my girlfriend being one would cause conflict, especially since I'm opinionated and if she was also opinionated, it could cause big problems. But I'm over it now...


Good. Veggies are good at coping with Carnies. It's not a problem.

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