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I actually told someone.

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Today, this girl in my trig class asked me if she could walk with me out to the commons area of campus. Anywho, on the way there, she asked me if she could ask me a question. I said, "Sure...". And then she said, "If I ask you do you promise not to get offended?"

Right away I knew exactly what it was. So I just shrugged, laughed, and said, "I won't get offended..."

Anyway, she asked me if I was attracted to girls.

Basically, I said no right off the top. Then she said, "Oh so you are--"

Me: "Yeah..."


First of all, that was a really big step for me because--for the first time--it was totally not an issue. I just basically said, "Yeah, I'm gay...and?"

Then she started to laugh and said, "At first I didn't think you were, but for some reason my gaydar just kept going off with you...Plus, you remind me of one of my good friends." So I guess he's gay too. She didn't say.


That was a really big step for me(small as it may seem). For the first time in my life I felt like I could be completely real with a friend. Now I don't have to pretend to be straight and make up all kinds of lies anymore.

And since accepting my sexuality I don't feel uncomfortable when someone just privately asks me that. The way she did it was very tactful and she said she would not tell anyone else. We exchanged phone numbers too.


Anyway, For the first time, my sexuality did not feel like a blight or a burden on my life. I'm still just ME.

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What a great girl - I wish everyone could be like her. There would be so fewer problems for gays and lesbians if everyone had that attitude.


Then the next stage is that nobody would feel the need to know - it wouldn't matter unless you were attracted.

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WAY TO GO!!! This may be a small step, but it's a PIVOTAL small step. Your sexual orientation shouldn't feel like a blight or a burden on your life. You ARE "just" you...and you're great! Always please keep in mind that it's your past and current social situation (where you live, etc.) that is making this such a struggle for you. It won't always be so hard. Hold close to your heart the knowledge that anybody who would think less of you because you're gay doesn't deserve to have *you* as a friend. Big hug.

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Yeah!! I'm happy for you Foxlocke. Now maybe you two can be friends outside of school, I'm assuming you two aren't. Maybe you two can be real cool & you can share what you're feeling with her! It'll be good for you to talk & confide in someone that's actually there for you outside of cyberspace! Not saying anything is wrong. It's just better talking to a person that'll be there. I hope things go well Foxlocke!!

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I am so happy for you Foxlocke. That is great that you can finally tell someone without having the 'ol, "Are you sitting down? *sigh* I have something to tell you..." speech that I know can be frightening. And I know she made it easier with how she asked, making you feel comfortable. That's great, way to go.

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Thanks guys! Each time I say it to someone I feel more comfortable with who I am. I've only told five people(in person), and each of them has embraced me.

It is this feeling of self possession and owning who I am. I really don't have to be afraid and ashamed anymore. And I finally don't have to pretend.

Yes, there are bigots out there. But there are also good people who will allow me to just be myself. That is who I choose to surround myself with now.

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Way to go, Foxlocke!


That's so cool that you've got someone who doesn't give a crap about your sexual orientation, in the sense that it's not a big deal at all! And that it wasn't a real issue for you to tell her about yourself. Trust me, it gets easier every time you tell someone. I just accidentally came out to a friend of mine over the phone yesterday because she was trying to look up my online personals profile, yet she couldn't find me because she was looking under "men seeking women" LOL!


But yeah, again: congratulations! You should be (and seem to be) real proud of yourself!

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I've only told five people(in person), and each of them has embraced me.

I've quickly learned that quality is much better than quantity in coming out. It is excellent that they're all so open and accepting about it all instead of alienating you over the issue. Congratulations now, and on future coming out experiences, best of luck. Hopefully there will be very few rough roads when it comes to coming out. Always be the sticks in the mud but less is more in that light.

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