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Friends with benefits


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never done with friends with benefits thing because i think I am the one who will get too attached. Someone always does.


I'd say if you kinda like her then go for it. There is potential to be something more for sure. what do you have to lose?

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It's hard to pull off. Seperating the emotional aspect from sex with the physical aspect is not something that is easy to do.


It also makes things harder later on. Especially if you maintain a strong friendship, and one of you gets into a real relationship. That past history is the past, but it will come back.


That being said, I've done it, and its worth the risk...

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Well, I know for a fact that we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things that are important to us, but that really hasn't stopped us from being friends. There is definitely a chemistry there, but I just think it feels wrong. Part of me wants to do it, but it kinda goes against all my morals and values.

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Well, I know for a fact that we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things that are important to us, but that really hasn't stopped us from being friends. There is definitely a chemistry there, but I just think it feels wrong. Part of me wants to do it, but it kinda goes against all my morals and values.


For me, it's an issue of responsibility. If you're going to have sex with someone, be prepared to handle the consequences, which can include an attachment forming and pregnancy. Could you see yourself raising a child with this woman and being a good father?


My best friend growing up had a FWB and now his life is changed forever because of fatherhood...

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Nobody got hurt. My friend left to a foreign country.


Perhaps because her feelings were too strong and she had to get away from me. I guess I'll never know... ;-)


Which presumably meant that at some level she was hurt if her feelings were so strong she had to move away.

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Which presumably meant that at some level she was hurt if her feelings were so strong she had to move away.


I said that jokingly... Before we took that step, she had said she was going away to teach english, so I know that it wasn't the case of hurt feeligns.


Then again we didn't do the fwb thing for an extended time.

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