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I am FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!


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You wait until the baby is born and then have a paternity test done to see who the father is.

Yup. That's all you can do really.


After of course you find out for sure she is pregnant or not. And then if she does choose to keep the baby, you do the best you can to be a father and let her know you will be there for YOUR child.


Is this the same girl you used the "withdrawal method" with????

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and im gonna tell her, and i dont care what anyone says, if she stays with him even though shes pregnant with MY baby, then i want NO part of it


Sorry hon, but you made that baby too, and that baby had NO choice in whether it was made or not. You don't have to be with her, but you do have to be there for that child if she chooses to keep it.


And the courts can MAKE you pay at the very least for it, you can't just "opt out" after the fact. They will garnish your wages if they have to.


If she chooses abortion or adoption, the fact is it is still YOUR baby and you need to come to terms with those happening too, and live with those decisions forever.

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and im gonna tell her, and i dont care what anyone says, if she stays with him even though shes pregnant with MY baby, then i want NO part of it

If that's your attitude where do you get off claiming it's 'My baby' anyway! You are responsible for your actions, so grow up and face the consequences like a man, not some bickering child.

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She is in the drivers seat here, she can continue to be with her new BF and "if" the baby is yours, you can be forced by way of garnishment to compensate her for medical expenses and monthly maintenance of the child. You say that if she is pregnant, it has to be your baby because she hasn't had sex with him yet. That's a pretty bold statement, if she had sex with you, what makes you so sure that she hasn't had sex with him, even if she said it herself? Paternity test is the only way to know for sure. Now a normal birth without any complications can run $8000 to 12000, if there are complications or a need for a c-section, well let's just say that $20000 is a good starting figure.

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Well so far you don't know if she is actually pregnant yet. Just because she is late , doesn't mean she is. Alot of females have times when they have an irregular period.

So for now, you will have to wait to find out is she is pregnant, and then if so, you will have to get a paternity test to find out who the father is when the baby is born. Even if you want nothing to do with a child of your own, you can be at least made to take care of it financially. Personally I feel that if think you are grown up enough to have sex, you need to be damn grown up enough to take responsiblity for it and love it no matter what.


But oh well,,,,,,,,, you don't even know if this being late means she is pregnant or not yet.

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If she is pregnant and that is your child, then you need to do the responsible thing and own up to your actions. She could get the law after you, but why not just do it yourself. Even if you don't care for her, that is still your child and the child deserves to know who its real father is and have you in its life. And honestly, how do you think you will feel going through your life knowing that you have a child who you don't know or haven't seen? It might not be now, it might not be soon, but there will come a day where you will want to be a father to this child. Please, be supportive now and do what you can to help things, not make them worse.

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no............im def the father........no question, she hasnt even had sex w him yet


Well first of all you have no way of knowing that for sure. Regardless of what she might have told you, she may have lied. Don't jump to any conclusions about this just yet.


and im gonna tell her, and i dont care what anyone says, if she stays with him even though shes pregnant with MY baby, then i want NO part of it

And whether you care what we tell you or not, you WILL have a part of it. You'll pay child support. The courts can't force you to be a man and be a part of your child's life, but they can darn well force you to pay your fair share. If you want to earn some sort of respect from any of us, then own up to the responsibilities you accepted when you had sex with this girl and be a father to this child if it is yours.

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This is where you have to learn to act like an adult and realize that no matter what you and she think of each other- this isn't about YOU or HER- but a helpless baby that has TWO parents and needs both of them to love and support him or her.

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This is where you have to learn to act like an adult and realize that no matter what you and she think of each other- this isn't about YOU or HER- but a helpless baby that has TWO parents and needs both of them to love and support him or her.


Completely agree. The top concern is that baby, who shouldn't have to pay because of the actions of his or her parents with which he or she had no control.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, she owns your * * * for 18 years now.


Man, young kids are not ready for sex I swear. All you have to do is wear a condom. You have an orgasm for what, 10 second sensation.


Then a life time of bills and taking care of a kid. Worse if it was an unwanted kid.


Good luck mane

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That's all it takes, a careless act between a naive girl and an immature dude acting like a 10 year-old. I can't imagine having a kid at 18, way too much, don't even drive yet nor have a job, only go to college to study and write here. Imagine all the finances, bills, diapers, food, etc., Like the other posts say if you're the father, then it's your obligation to support and care for the child, you helped her produce the life inside her, your sperms didn't accidently get inside her vagina.

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Are there any updates on how things are going?


What is done is done, what is needed now is to be mature and handle the consequences of the actions. If you are mature enough to risk having a child, you should be mature enough to take care of the child.

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