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Our Choice- God's conversation


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The warrior realized it was time to go

These paths he took- he was back home

The stars they call from the night

They see him

Thus God speaks to him through the trees

"Harder tests and harder tests yet

What is it my son you have not met?"


And so was answered by this knight

"Forsaking all I know even if it is right

I want to go alone and test my own flight

Battles with bones and dinosaur eyes

Give me something harder to come out in might."


And so God spoke soft and slow

"Let me tell you what it is that I know

An idea of mine where you will learn alone

Your heart in the dark with the sky so far away

A time limit to figure out where to go where to stay

A type of test that wears down on the mind

With all these things you will feel inside

And onlys those faithful will deserve within my sight."


The warrior felt scared yet he felt tough

There's nothing too rough for him to overcome!

Yet, God listening here to his thoughts

Answered him in the wind... that there was not:


"Magical beasts, myths that come true

Dinosaur teeth seething right through you

No wands, no tauntings from the grave

The greatest fears are those that you will make!

In your sight, in your mind- all around you sheds light

On what everything is and what is and isnt me

But it is up to you who you will be

Through voices and time clocks those are your own

The boundaries are yours and you'll build them with stone!

There are no more hints- so obvious and true

No more grand prizes for the kindest things you do

At least not here- here is where you go

You want to go yourself so go on alone!

Yet don't forget from where you have come

Dont forget whose eyes are in the sun

Dont forget that you will eventually come back

It's only a lifetime- I wouldn't leave you trapped!

This is what you want- your own free will

The greatest test to ever be revealed

Will you choose your will over me?

Will you forget your destiny?

When I am not visible, will you be so brave?

Will you deny my name and play their games?

You'll be there to grow to see why you need me

That you are still the earth's seedling...

Dont let pride back you down from what is right

It may be a long time to be left on your own

But dont forget that I'll still know

I'll still see

I'll still hear

I'm still your heart

That beats so clear

I am your savior

standing here

If you want to leave, you dont have to come back

It's always your choice and it'll always be that!"


So the great knight rode off laughing, thinking- how so?

What kind of test was this- all in the mind, only what you decide?

What kind of knight would leave behind his KING?

He called back- "Dont worry my lord- this time again, I'll win

I will come back to you

This is the easiest thing yet."

So he rode off into the night

Years went by never looking back twice

And God still waited for his creation to come back alive


"This is what he wanted

This is what they choose

That they can rule themselves

And never get confused

So to their wishes, I'll let them be

We'll see who the fool is

And who will come back to me

Yet still...

I hope they'll watch for my love

For my wings in the skies up above

And remember who it was that made them so alive

That I am here

I am the only one

Who never dies."


The bible is more than just a story of two

Creations and the Creator- it's more than to be moved

In fact, it is the greatest love story of all time

Heros fading

God waiting

For them to come back all right.

Never ceasing

Never ending

And the human heart cries


Into the world deceiving so full of lies

"They will hate you for loving me"

Is what God had said

"As they will hate me.

But take heart, for

I have overcome the world."


Fear and obey

So close so you will know

Understand so you may be lifted

Your heart shifted to love

As you transend to this above

Human fears to God fears

Remember what is in place

Remember who really watches

Remember who really waits.



By Sarah Browne

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It's really nice not be bombarded. The last couple of days, I think I sort of brought that upon myself... I think. I love how you've never misinterpreted what I'm really saying. You always try to see it. That is SO refreshing, and trust me, ShySoul, it's something to take beyond enotalone and I have and never have forgotten it.


From you, I've learned that true intellegence is not in defense. It is in understanding... I mean, I have REALLY learned that. Without you always somewhere being a peacemakeer or something, I wouldnt know that. I hope I can be like that too someday

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