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i had a man recently tell me his opinion on beautiful women this weekend. unfortunately, i wasn't able to voice my opinion so i'd like to rant here a bit on the subject. the perception on how beautiful women are and how to get them are so wrong. apparently the only way to get a beautiful woman is to have a big job or professional status of some sort, the list went on. basically a man can be nasty, ugly, doesn't matter what type of person he is, as long as he is in a professional job that is considered above average. so if you get to date beautiful women for that reason only then what your getting is a gold digger, nothing beautiful about that. so if all beautiful women were like that then you wouldn't see some living average with an average man or alone, working hard to support themselves.. lots of very beautiful women out there that are beautiful to look at with perfect body's without any type of surgery, that could be living very well off already if they were all like that. what's important to lots of beautiful women is what type of person a man is inside, not just what he does. sure no woman wants to be with a man on welfare, sleeping all day but it doesn't matter what he does as long as it's something. so for all you young men out there, be a good person, make a honest living and treat others, including yourself with respect and you'll find a true beautiful woman.

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lol ... hearing this sort of thing used to make me mad. Now, I find it funny and extremely pathetic when people generalize in this manner. Reducing female behaviour down to this level is usually only something that very simple, shallow, small-minded men do, as they obviously don't rely on their personalities and natural attraction enough to get themselves dates/ girlfriends. Sorry, but it's true! THINK about it: A guy who really and truly believes that the only way that he'll ever date a beautiful woman is to have money? The first thing that would come to my mind would be "ick, what a loser!".


The ONLY reason that I won't date a guy without a job/ steady cashflow, is that I need the person I'm with to be able to DO things. Go places together. I don't want to have to pay for everything, nor do I want to sit around doing nothing all the time because he's broke. There is a HUGE difference in wanting to date a responsible, ambitious guy with a job, to actually using men for money.


If this guy was my friend, I'd probably tell him to grow up, open his mind, and try to develop his ATTITUDE, not his bank account.


P.S. - I wouldn't date a man that I wasn't attracted to for ANY amount of money.

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Sadly I've heard alot of guys say this type of thing. I always get the sense that they are deep down just plain old woman haters...and that's why no one dates them.

Nothing to do with how much money they have or don't have, but with their overall opinion of women. What smart woman would date a man who thinks so low of women in general?

And these guys will usually tell you exactly what they think-- you get a warning.


If this guy has that opinion when he has no money imagine what he would be like if he was rich? He would treat people (read: women) like property...yikes!!

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Any woman who asks me what kind of car I drive gets dumped right away. But any man who thinks women are like that gets a slap in the face from me, too.


Hey guys, if you think all women like that then you are part of the problem. You're an idiot with no social skills, and these rich guys with nice jobs and whatever quite simply have better social skills than you do.


If guys would learn how to flirt, joke, clean around the house a little, exhibit some self control, have some confidence, and be unpreditable then the world would be a great place.


And if hot women only date rich guys then you better tell my fiance' to dump me, because I am not rich - not by a long shot.

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I used to believe it was a money transaction. As a young man I was usually broke, and some (not all) girls treated me poorly because of it. At one point I started to make some good bucks and a struggling single mother I knew suddenly started glomming on to me. I ran like hell. I took a friend's sister out, and tucked a big roll of fifties in my pocket so whatever we wanted to do would be no problem. She spent the evening talking about her Kenny Loggins obsession and yawned a lot. I dropped her off and felt I'd escaped death by indifference. She told her sister I was okay, but too cheap to be worth dating. I ended up living with a woman who announced one day that she didn't feel she should work, because she deserved to be supported. She quit her job the day after I got a promotion. And so on.

These days I know I was wrong back then, but when something keeps slapping you in the head, it's hard to ignore.


Please don't bother correcting my distorted viewpoint. A number of really wonderful people have already changed my mind over the years.


I just understand how it can feel to be treated like a wallet.

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Poco, the girl could just be asking out of curiosity what kind of car you drive, lol. Just because she asks what you drive doesn't mean she's digging for gold. I sometimes ask guys what they drive because I can actually see them driving a certain type of car.


People are always too quick to judge.

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Poco, the girl could just be asking out of curiosity what kind of car you drive, lol. Just because she asks what you drive doesn't mean she's digging for gold. I sometimes ask guys what they drive because I can actually see them driving a certain type of car.


People are always too quick to judge.

I'm a little jaded, I must admit. In high school I drove a white 1967 Mustang convertible. I sold the car one day and guess what happened? Yeah, all my so-called friends suddenly didn't have time for me. Huh?


When I got my 1967 Cadillac convertible all the sudden I had lots of friends again. Sold it ... they left.


Don't kid yourself, *some* people are shallow. I still get women asking me what kind of car I drive nowadays, and luckily none of them know what it is!

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thanks lady's for your great opinions. i hope your thoughts will help guys understand that what some believe to be true of beautiful women is really only a myth. each individual lives life a certain way and will seek a partner that shares the same ideas/morals as they do. however, the most important thing for any relationship is chemistry and a good connection.

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When I got my 1967 Cadillac convertible all the sudden I had lots of friends again. Sold it ... they left. Don't kid yourself, *some* people are shallow.



When I'd go to parties on my BMW mc, I was a nobody. While it was being refinished, I rode my brother's Harley shovelhead, and girls were, well...aggresive.

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^ Yes, but a Harley isn't about how much money you have (even though they are INSANELY expensive). They are usually a symbol of a rough, dangerous, exciting type of guy who would be a total blast to hang out with.


If girls only really date men with money, then why are some of the hottest females at my company upper management or executives who earn a minimum of $80-90,000 a year? Wouldn't they rather sit on their arses having the man pay her bills and provide? OH YEAH - it's because they MUST be lesbians. Right? lol

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I don't believe the $ for love equation anymore, but had enough experiences to support the concept at one time. It's an unfair generalization at best, on par with guys that just want sex, or guys that don't vacuum.

I have noticed as I age that gender roles are happily varied enough to keep us all guessing.


BTW Harleys used to be cheap before all those wannabes grew up and turned them into status symbols. You could pick up a used police bike and customize it for less than a grand. Of course in my humble circles, that was big money in the 70s, so it still seemed flashy.

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The asking about the car thing. I ask every guy I've ever dated what kind of car they drove. Not to see how much money they have, but the kind of car you drive *can* tell you what kind of person they are. Not as a rule, but in most cases, it gives you a decent idea.


Here are some examples:


My ex drove a brand new big sporty black coupe that costs 45 grand. He didn't have a job. Told me he was under close supervision of his parents, didn't support himself, thought he was the s--t. I was right.


Another guy I dated drove an ancient ford. Like, this thing barely had heat. Probably worth 500 bucks. Also used the club no matter where he was. His car told me he didn't have much money but did work and wanted independance. Also told me he didn't care about image since he could have gotten a fancier shpancier sporty car for more or less the same. When I found out how much he paid for it, I also realized he wasnt so smart with his money


Another guy I went on a date with drove a souped up vw bug. An old one. Showed me he had taste, he was mechanically inclined, and that he was artsy. I was bang on.


My boyfriend now drives a big old white boat car. What does that tell me? He is sentimental. He inherited the car from a relative who passed away and instead of selling it and buying something more his age, he kept it and takes really good care of it.


I ask about cars because I like them.


Now here's the question, I drive a brand spankin new cherry red cobalt coupe with a spoiler. But no other options. What does that say about me?

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