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Hanging Out With Couples

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Hey guys,

I wasn't sure which forum to put this in, but here goes! (Sorry if it's longish)


I stopped "dating" someone recently, and previously to that I had been single by choice for a while. I had grown to love being single. I mean, LOVE it. Then suddenly, this guy comes into my life. Long story short, it didn't turn into anything other than a monthlong physical relationship. Ever since, I've been sad, wishing I had someone, whereas I hadn't previously felt that way. Truly, I was a very happy single person! It has been about a month since I've spoken to the guy, and although I don't think about him any more, I feel very sad still. This is especially true when I hang out with other couples, which is fairly often.


When I see couples kissing, cuddling, etc.. It makes me sad. I am happy for them, but sad because I feel like I will never be in love. I have never BEEN in love before, and I wish I could let the scared part of me fall stupidly, idiotically, madly in love. I do have some guys who are interested in me, but I am not interested in them at all. They are definitely not my type. All the guys I would love to date, would never be interested in me. That's what it seems like, anyways.


Any1 else feel this way? Thanks guys

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It's understandable that you feel the way you do. Even though you didn't love the guy doesn't mean you didn't share some feelings and connections. You had a comfort zone, that you don't have anymore and when you see couples it is very saddening. Maybe you should gives the guys that your not interested in a chance, who knows maybe one em will surprise you.

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It sounds like you have a lot of guys that like you and you just need to find one that is your type. All of my friends are married and sometimes it sucks to be the single one, but it can also be fun. You will meet the right guy soon. You are young and I am sure some guy will sweep you off of your feet. Just be patient and he will show up one day soon.

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I feel the same way. I loved being single last year, and then I had some girls interested in me. I had no interest in them and wasn't ready to leave the single life, so I let things pass. Well that was several months ago and I wonder if that was my only chance at finding love. So, your not alone. All I want to do right now is endure this pain and continue to grow as a person. You'll get another chance, have hope.

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