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average size........


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haha, ok now let's not compare penises to bananas...the cherry was good enough! But seriously guys shouldn't worry THAT much about the size of their penis. Use what you were born with, and don't use pumps because I read that using them actually makes it WORSE in the long run, aka can't get it up. What's the point of having a large penis if you can't even use it! As long as you use what you have, and give it your best, you should be fine. If a girl can orgasm using three inch fingers, then I'm sure you can compensate with a 4-5'' penis. Just learn how to use it. People say that only guys with small penises say that, but I have heard many girls say that a big penis is worthless unless they can use it right. My friend Rachel said, I'd rather have a guy with a 5'' penis who could work it, than a 8'' who didn't know how to use it.

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According to the study I linked to in my previous post, 4.84 inches.

Other studies had 4.9 and 4.7.




According to the women I was talking with just last night, size and girth does play a role in the physical part of sex. However, she also said that sex is more then the physical act and is about expressing your love. When you express that love and share yourselfs so completely with each other - mind, body, heart, and soul - that is what makes it special and pleasurable. Size is only one small part, and in comparison to everything else, so minor that it shouldn't be the the big deal it is made out to be. She's said numerous times that sex is 10% physical, 90% mental/ emotional. And that sentiment has been echoed by the vast majority of women I know.


Well that may be so for those in relationships. But, what of those who are just looking to get laid? I'm speaking of both sides of the coin. Size and girth in that situation do come into play heavily.


As well, having a large penis does allow you to hit EVERY spot.

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Haha Dako. Didn't know you thought like that.


If you are just looking to get laid, then I would think you would be satisfied with anything. You are going for empty, meaningless sex anyways, so if someone was to judge you by such a superficial standard the person would deserve it. Basically, if all you care about is sex, then you are inviting the kind of person who would judge you based on size. Neither of you want what is real.


Big doesn't hit every spot, cause big can't hit the heart.

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Size tends to matter to those who sleep around or who are only interested in the physical aspect. Once you move beyond that and get to something serious, the emotional aspect and the mere fact that you are sharing the experience with each other is paramount in the women's minds.

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I am just making the assumption that you are referring to penis size once it is erect and ready for action ?


I am quite amused at this post, its actually cracking me up.


However , I understand that men get weird over the size of their penis.

In my opinion it needs to be at least average 5-6" erect. There is a such thing as "too big" and "too small", but thats just my personal opinion.


The one thing that I disagree with, is the post that mentioned having your woman have a C section, instead of a vaginal birth , so that the vagina remains tight. I dont think that C sections are done unless medically necessary, and that vaginal births are best if there are no problems.


After a vaginal birth females can do Kegel exercises to keep the pelvic muscles tight. IT does work. I have had two babies, and I promise you if the exercises are done regularly, then it works.


Its kind of funny, that after you write your reply to this type of post, you might wonder if you are giving TMI .


I have a female friend that was having sex with her boyfriend, who had one of the " extra LARGE BIG BOYS" and he was so big that he did hit her cervix quite hard during some ,uhh,,, rowdy sex, and she bled horribly and had to go to the ER. HOpefully something like that is rare.


Well I think thats enough said.

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Yes, size isn't all its cracked up to be. Could do more damage then pleasure. And then you need to make sure your pants are looser so that it has room to breath down there. So there are complications that make those guys lives far from the paradise its made out to be.

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This thread is pretty funny because it's all about us and our whoppers or chipmunk wands. Imagine a group of women bragging about how small they are. Maybe they do when we aren't around.....

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You two guys are too too funny !!! Well I can only speak for myself. I dont know of any women that discuss with their women friends the size of the

"lower regions", however, I have heard a few discussions among women such as " my boobs are too small, or my boobs are too big, or my boobs sag" whatever the case may be.

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