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Yep. I'm pregnant. Oh well.

Ians Mommy

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Yep. I'm pregnant. I found out last Sunday. I'm 7 weeks according to some website I went on.


Last October (the first time I had sex) I got pregnant and by the time I was ready to tell the dad, I had a miscarriage (13 weeks). For 6 to 7 months after that, I was trying SOOO hard to get pregnant again but it never happened. Now that I was on the pill and not trying, it happened. So yeah, I don't know.


btw, I was bored today and came up with names.

Ian Kyle for a boy and Codey Brooklynn for a girl.

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I've known the father for over 3 years. He's been my best friend and psychologist for a long time lol. I don't know what I'm feeling about it yet.. I really don't think the whole thing has sunk in yet. My family doesn't support me. at all. and I know that for a fact and I haven't even told them yet.


Other than that, I have a job. I make anywhere from 300 to 400 dollars a week and only spend about 20 a week and the rest goes in the bank. If my parents kick me out (I don't think they will but I know they'll be pissed), I do have a place to go. I basically raised my niece from the time she was born until she was a year and a half and I was only 12 when she was born so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing with babies.


Oh yeah, and in the town I live, there's an alternative high school where you work in the morning and go to school at night and they have free babysitting for you if you volunteer 2 to 3 hours a week or if you don't, it's still cheap.

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It's easy to get 'clucky' when you are young!


You should look at your situation carefully and make an informed decision. You said that your family won't support you. Is there someone else you know that you will be able to have around you to help you out, ie. an uncle or aunty?


Now I hate talking about this, because it's such a controversial thing to talk about because I'm personally against it... but... it's better that you have an environment where you can have a baby and live comfortably without having to struggle to survive. If you feel that you won't have this comfortable and supportive environment, you might have to think about abortion...it's not right to bring a baby into the world if you won't be able to support it.

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I think people want to know why you were trying in the first place, even if you weren't trying now.


You are young. Having a baby is a big responsibilty. Even though you have probably heard this before, its worth hearing again. Having sex can lead to being pregnant, rather you are trying or not. You have to be ready to handle the consequences when it happens. It's a big deal and will seriously change your life in more ways then you probably realize. And while you may think you are ready, and may even be responsible enough to handle it, it is still something that you should have been more careful about.


See a doctor first thing. And if you are pregnant, your parents need to know. You will need their support. Together you can get through this and will be able to give the baby the love and support it needs once it arrives.

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THIS IS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Your should not be having sex with your psychologist. HE IS ABUSING YOU!!! His sexual contact with you is ILLEGAL!


Is he really an official psychologist or are you just referring to him in that manner because he supports you psychologically so well...

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lmfao I didn't mean it seriously. He's not really my psychologist. He was just the one that always listened to me when I was going through problems and helped me through them. Sorry for the confusion.


Yeah, I think I missed one pill around the time that I had sex with him which is probably the cause of this.

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THIS IS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Your should not be having sex with your psychologist. HE IS ABUSING YOU!!! His sexual contact with you is ILLEGAL!


She may have just been using the term "psychologist" in a figurative, not literal way. Let's hope so, at any rate.

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I know I'm young and I know it's going to be hard.


And I forgot to answer someone else's question awhile back. They asked why I was trying to get pregnant last year. I think it was because after I lost the baby, I wanted just to replace the baby so bad that I was trying everything for that to happen. I'm still not so sure why I was trying.


I know that I have to responsible about everything and stop being a teenager and start being a mom when this baby is born. If I was responsible enough to open my legs, I have to take responsibility for this. This is real, it's not just going to go away, and I know that. I'm ready to take on this challenge.


My question now is just should I tell the father? He's a senior in high school and was already accepted to a college and I don't want to mess up his plans for something that was my fault.

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