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When a person asks a question, its generally because they want an answer. Instead of making a running joke, I simple answered the question. I have answered his questions before and recognized the name, so I just wanted to give him some advice.


And 14 isn't to young to be thinking of this kind of thing. There are posts about 15 year olds getting pregnant and a post in the last few days about teenages being bombarded with messages about sex. It's not to much of a stretch to think that a kid in their early teens would be considering cyber sex. Do I think they should? No. But I'm not going to dismiss their concern.


Edit: Thank you yang. That was nice of you to support me like that.


I try to treat people equally. If he is old enough to be asking about it, he deserves an adult answer. If it makes him uncomfortable reading it, maybe that will make him think twice about doing it. And I'd much rather he was doing cyber then something in real life.

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I dont think we were making a running joke about it. I think we all thought about the proper way to respond. Even Yin answered the question but very tactfully.


Also you mention about teens being bombarded with messages about sex well who knows he could be cyber sexing some sick person he thinks is another teen.


Shy sometimes I think you are not as experienced or have had the life experiences with some of the advice you give.


When a person asks a question, its generally because they want an answer. Instead of making a running joke

and a post in the last few days about teenages being bombarded with messages about sex.

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well I am not here to argue over a 14 y.o. cyber wondererer. I just had my opinion on it and I wasnt tryng to make a joke of it. I was thinking of what I mentioned previously about kids who cyber and think they are talking with others their age and it turns out to be a predator. I am looking at it on the safety side.

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Also you mention about teens being bombarded with messages about sex well who knows he could be cyber sexing some sick person he thinks is another teen.


Shy sometimes I think you are not as experienced or have had the life experiences with some of the advice you give.


True, it could be someone not a teen. But I wasn't prepared to launch into a lecture on internet safety. I assume his parents have given him that lecture. And thats why he should be careful.


And I have more experience then you may think. Plus for some things, it comes naturally, experience doesn't necessarily mean you know more.

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Elektra, I know you may have more experience, and I'm not looking to take sides, but did you ever consider why the poster asked the question? You assumed he was automatically interested in knowing so he could possibly get into it or know how to do it...right? Whether it was a joke or not, we all have our opinions, and each to their own, the poster just wanted to know what cyber sex was. For all you know he could have been asking to know if some older person online had asked him to do it...and wanted to know as to possibly stay away from it...?


As to the poster, Shy has it, with the post on the 1st page, that will answer your question.

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Calling a truce. Sorry if anything I said was taken the wrong way Elektra. I know you were just trying to help. We each answered how we thought was best.


Dako - No problem. I think I see where you were coming from.


As for the original question, yes, you may want to wait until you are older. You have plenty of time before sex should be such a big concern. However, if you do cyber, its putting into words the actual act. Description and getting into the moment make it good.

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Hey elec i can read the page you know and it was just an intrest god is it my fault that my friends talk about it and rip on me for not knowing it's just something that came up in a conversation once and they kept ripping on me for that. now i know there kidding but it's getting annoying.


P.S. if i'm old enough to ask a question i'm old enough to know the answer.

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