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No real "move" yet. Why?


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So this guy has asked me on several dates, and seems to really like me, according to his friends who have said he talks about me, etc. Most recently, he brought me back to his apartment and we watched a few movies. He's touched me playfully (like pushing and stuff) ...but the whole time I was there, he didn't make any move on me, like even a kiss or anything. Is there any valid reason that a guy would hold out that long to make a move, if he likes a girl? Maybe he doesn't "like" me like that? I mean, it seems like a stupid question because if he's asked me on several dates, doesn't that automatically mean that he likes me? Any opinions are welcome, thanks.

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You have to 'confirm' and motivate him that he is allowed to do 'more'.

He seems like a decent guy who wouldn't dare to 'violate' a woman, that's plausible because a guy suffers the possibility that a woman will scream 'rapist, and murderer' all over if he touches her in a place where she didn't want to be touched.


Telling him that he is allowed to kiss you is important 4 you 2. That way you can encourage him to bring the relationship to a further level. He likes you for sure, otherwhise he wouldn't have showed interest in the first instance to begin with, thereforeeee just motivate him more.


Keyword = motivational communication.

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He obviously likes you enough to bring you home, so he's happy to be with you. He may be trying to show respect while not wanting to risk offense or rejection. Are you assuming it's up to him to come on to you?

The ball's in your court. Take a swing at it.

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He is probably "shy" and doesn't want to offend you. Be more flirty with him. I.e. look into his eyes or whatever.... based on what you said, that sounds like me when I was younger... (And still me ... sometimes)

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