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Writing about how you feel?


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How do you write a good poem about how you feel? I have tried so many times to write a good poem to which I have done... I just feel that there is something missing from what I am writing... something that separates mine from those excellent pieces of work you see around... grr I want to write a nice poem about how I feel

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I love to write poetry. Recently I had one of my poems published in my school's literary magazine and another one of my writings is currently in the Top 5 in a Scholarship contest.


I personally write it two ways: 1) Through inspiration resulting from an experience or 2) By thinking of a topic and coming up with characteristics of that topic I want to write about.


For Example of 1):

Say you broke up with your girlfriend. How do you feel? Sad,Happy,Angered...etc. Pick the overal mood you want the poem to have. Then take memories or qualities of the relationship you shared and make them fit that mood. (describe a positive memory in a positive light-comparing her beautiful blue eyes to the sky-blue sun, same goes for a negative experience-her hair jumping out like Medusa's snakes..something to that effect.) Make the ryming scheme any that you want, some of the best poems rhyme very little at all.


Example of #2)

Think of a topic. Something you like perhaps? How about a sunny day? Make a list (on paper or in your head, whatever works best) of all the things you like about that topic. On a sunny day you can go outside. Then think of what you do outdoors. If you think of atleast three things that describe your topic and then describe them, you should have a great poem. However, be sure to make the tone of the poem all the same all the way through. (negative=negative, positive=positive)


I really hope all this made some sense to you. Like I said before, I like to write poetry and I find the best poems I have written come from meaningful experiences in my life. Good Luck and just remember-practice makes perfect!

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Do you read other poets??? Do you read a great deal of poetry??? Read, Read, Read and learn. Pay attention to thw words, the lines, the breaks, think about why the poet said something the way it is written, look at it from every available angle, and then look at it again , read it again, read it aloud.


It is all about practice, writing is the hard part, getting those feelings ot is the challenge, compare it to something familiar, set the feelings alongside something unfamiliar.


And write, and write, and re write.


good luck.

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When you try to write poetry, it doesn't come as well. But when you aren't even trying and the words just seem to come to you and flow out, thats when it usually works. At least, thats been my experience. The best stuff just hits you. If your serious about writing, thats why its good to keep a notepad (even one that fits in your pocket) handy so you can write something that pops into your head at random.


As Brando said, reading helps to. When you expose yourself to lots of writing, be it poetry or prose, you help yourself. You can learn new vocabulary that can be used to make a poem more descriptive. You can be exposed to new ideas that you can relate to and use in your own writing. You can be influenced by someone's writing style.


The other key thing is to write from the heart. Just think about how you feel and put those feelings onto paper. If your heart is broken and you feel like you are plummeting down a bottomless pit, put that down. Write down the random thoughts that come into your head. Good poetry isn't about the words you use or the rhyme scheme, or something like that. It's about the heart and feeling you put into it.

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