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Breaking ALL the rules

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You dont want to lose contact with her, but you dont want it to hurt as much, so talk to her lesssss, maybe that way you wont lose her completely but you wont be in contact as much, if you longer can/want to (im sorry i dont know your situation) be with her then i suggest try to realise that your not with her. Its going to hurt more in the end if you stay too close in contact, still have feelings and then know you cant be with her.


goodluck with everything

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If you are going to talk to her, then do it by phone or in person. Iming and e-mails are so inpersonal. You need to hear her voice and communicate on a more personal level. Decide what works for you. If you are ready to be friends, then do that. If not, then maybe give it another shot or go NC.

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Hi italianstalian,


To me it NC doesn't matter if you still love your ex or not. I'm in NC (or limited contact because of work) because I do love her. I practice this for my sake only. Yes it is hard, hard not to answer emails, hard not to answer phone calls, hard when you don't answer the phone calls wondering if she is all right.


However, this is to make me feel better and work on myself with no distractions. I am sure I could be in contact with her from the number of times she has emailed and called me. It just wouldn't do me any good to know how and what she is doing.


It seems to me that in your situation, she is gone and is not going to be nothing but a friend, or somebody that wants to be sure your always around. You have options like we all do. You can wait around and see if she changes her mind and still be friends, you can move on and look for someone else while you are still friends with your ex, or you can look for someone else and not be her friend. I bet the last option will be the most successful.


Good luck!


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