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I want a bf that's not dumb


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Why are "men" so... not what I am looking for? Not that I'm in to women, but it seems that the guys that are interested in me are either idiots or socially inept.


I just want to date someone that's not boring and shy or dumb. That's all I want. Where are they?

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They are everywhere! Well...maybe not everywhere, but you just have to keep looking. I won't jump to conclusions, but maybe you are expecting them to be dumb so they seem dumb to you. But even if that's not the case, you just need to keep searching for someone. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are smart and attracted you, you judt need to look. Good luck with your search!

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I got that same problem as a matter of a fact.... maybe its just that your soo cute that they turn soundly shy & dumb.... like boys get nervous around cute grls.... give em some time n see if thats what their really like and later one if their still dumb kick to the curb... and find a new one...

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Well I'd like to think i'm one of the few guys that would fall into the category of not dumb, boring (maybe a little shy when it comes to certian things). But there are a lot of duds out there for sure, but i thinik theres a heck of a lot of duds out there when it comes to girls too. Who says these guys are


But having too high expectations are nota good thing either. How do you know that these shy guys aren't really smart when you get to know them?


And these boring guys? What does one need do to be not boring? A lot of peeople lable "smart" guys as boring.


Basically I think you just need to find someone who meets your needs and when you do you will be happy, I wish you luck but think that maybe you should also keep an open mind. Something i'm trying to do myself.

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Its because most of the dumb guys are confident which gets them girls. You see a dumb person is never going to think of consequences, hes just going to do something without thinking twice and without being shy, girls seem to dig that. Maybe you should try dating someone whose shy?

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Why are "men" so... not what I am looking for?

Well instead of "men" maybe you should look for MEN. It may really depend on who you're looking at. If you only take the pretty boys, or the jocks, or the frat boys then you've set your own limits. If you're in school talk to the guys in your fav classes, it maybe their fav too and BINGO you got something to talk about, which may lead to other interesting things to. Many of the very intellegent, interesting men I know are socially ackward, but no one gives them a chance, the girls just go "he's a stuttering fool, moving on". They've just missed out on a kind and brilliant mind because his tongue was a little stumbling. Have patience, show some kindness, they usually relax and do better.

Maybe you need to look at yourself too. Are you dressing in a manner that conveys your desire to be taken seriously or are you just wearing clothing so you don't get arrested. Your own attitude will determine what men will aproach you, if you look like your not interesting or intellegent why should they spend their time on you.

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